
stay with me



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-15-2021, 11:43 AM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2021, 11:44 AM by Indigo. Edited 1 time in total.)
For another few moments the pair of them were both carefree, he felt a great relief and Emersyn had a better life to look forward to. Life to look forward to. Her time of running was over and he reveled in her relief almost as much as he did. That was all he wanted was for her to accept the chance to make life what she wanted of it instead of facing certain doom. Her master’s last command would not be met out. Her smile was worth every moment he had to endure any wounds he’d received from that hunter, and now he knew he’d never be fighting alone. She did dissuade him like he hadn't expected, Em didn’t want him to change anything. He was definitely going to work on himself, more training because he was determined not to let anyone get the better of him like the hunter had. Of course now he had Emersyn to watch his back, that fact was a great comfort. Indigo knew she was going to fit in well.

”It’s yours,” He affirmed softly. Normal life as far as their future in a traveling band anyway. Being on the move constantly would help deter trackers and spies. It wouldn’t take too long before the pit fighter knew what he had done to the hunter sent after Emersyn. They’d be back, more likely than not but there was a chance he would give up. They wouldn’t dwell on the future for long, they needed to speak about the past if they were going to go forward. The band was quickly becoming like a hodge podge little family, it was something Indigo never expected but knew he and the rest of the wolves were better for it.

Before she even started to speak Emersyn’s demeanor changed considerably. She sunk inwards, ears falling just as her eyes did. Like she was ashamed. Indigo scooted a little closer and placed the bridge of his nose under her jaw to lift her head just a little bit. His sapphire eyes understanding as she continued her first tale. She started at the very beginning of her story, a beautiful beginning with a dark turn while she was still but a child. Sold by her own parents, she and her siblings faced terrible fates. Indigo remained silent, listening through her trials, sorrows, victories, and ultimately her final downfall.

Listening to what she had been through tore him from the inside but he did his best to hold himself stoic as he offered silent support and listened to her story. His violet marked tail curled around her hips as she began the harrowing fight, alone and overwhelmed she succumbed to great trauma. The hackles along his neck rose involuntarily as she told him the harrowing tale, but he shared in her victory when she spoke of relieving them all of their filthy lives. She started to tremble, and he leaned against her supportively as she relived the horrors perpetrated upon her. Indigo couldn’t do anything but be a shoulder to lean on as she continued.

Her former master would hold a grudge until he ruined himself and died, but that was another reason Indigo wanted her to stay, she would have the support of him and the rest of the band. If they came in ones and twos she would never have to worry again. If his business was ruined there were only so many more resources that he could throw at them. Indigo was ready to make that commitment. ”Then he can die exhausted because he’s never going to get his wish.” Indigo promised her as he reached down to lift her head again. He promised to fight beside her and help shoulder the weight resting on her shoulders. ”You don’t have to run anymore.”

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.