
for you i will



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
06-15-2021, 11:58 AM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2021, 11:58 AM by Dalila. Edited 1 time in total.)

Dalila stuck close to Siren's side through the whole interaction, staring down any of the men that dared to look at them for too long. On the surface she seemed calm and strong, but internally her heart was pounding a mile a minute. Between the worry that they might see through her facade and the old memories of how she had once been treated it was difficult to keep up this act, but she would. For Siren. She tried not to look at the other slave when the slaver brought them to her for them to access, quietly brushing her side against Siren to remind herself that she wasn't here to be one of them again. She listened as Siren requested to see someone else, causing the male to scoff softly before leading them further into the cave.

As they were being led to another wolf that was teathered down to the floor of the cave further back into the shadowy space, they passed by an alcove that was barred off, a distinctly different holding cage for this particular woman than the other slaves that seemed to mostly be tied or chained up to keep them from running. Dalila slowed a bit, gently nudging Siren's side with her shoulder to get her lady's attention. Behind the bars that had clearly been constructed just for this purpose with a door of sorts built into them was a smaller woman with fair, dainty features. Her coloring stood out from the other slaves she had spotted so far with silver and steel blue hues all over. What caught her attention wasn't her looks though - even though the woman was quite beautiful - it was the way she sat in her cell. Perfectly poised with a submissive hang of her head that Dalila knew all too well. This woman was like her. She wasn't a random woman that had been captured and forced into this life like some of these wolves. She was raised in it, Dalila could tell. She glanced at Siren and gave a small nod to the silvery woman locked behind the bars that were clearly meant to contain her without risking ruining her perfectly maintained appearance.

The slaver that had been leading them looked back and realized which slave they had their eyes on and he laughed, a low, gruff sound as he turned back toward them. "Best to keep moving, miss. You're not going to be able to afford that one." He barely wanted to sell her at all, but he knew the client that left her here was expecting a large sum in return whenever he got back. Unlike some of the other slaves she wasn't one that he and his crew had gathered, but instead he was simply the broker. "You're going to need more than deer pelts if that's the kind of slave you're wanting to take home. Might as well just turn back now."
