
for you i will


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-15-2021, 04:04 PM

A quiet, somber tune hummed gently around the cave from the cell she resided in. In the low light of the torches, Aliana filled the otherwise silent cave with her song, trying to drown out the sobs and whimpers of the other wolves imprisoned around her. This was her daily life, left alone to pace her cell or nap or sing while she waited each day out, the faces of other wolves coming and going as they were captured, beaten into submission, and sold off. Aliana almost felt pity for them; they had their freedoms taken from them, after all. She, on the other hand, had not. This was the life she had been born into and raised in. This was the only world she knew. In a way, she was thankful—thankful that she would never know the pain those other wolves felt. She simply existed in here like a beautiful phantom, waiting out the days for her owner to decide she was old enough to be used, or the day she was finally sold.

"Stop that fucking singing! We've got company," the slave master snarled as he slammed a heavy paw into the bars of her cell. "Just stay quiet and don't attract any attention to yourself, got it?" He had made no efforts to hide his intentions. He didn't want to sell her, he wanted her for himself. Of course, money mattered more to the cruel man, and the right price could buy anything. So far, that hadn't happened, and Aliana dared not get her hopes up again. She did as she was commanded, ending her tune abruptly and bowing her head in quiet submission to the large brute while he skulked off to attend to their clients.

It was quiet for some time, nothing happening. Aliana's gaze drifted around the empty cave, just idly staring at whatever she could see. Then came the voices. Her owner, showing off some merchandise to the customers. From the alcove where her cell was, she couldn't see the buyers, but she tried to picture them. They were always male, often very large and intimidating. Would they be looking for a servant? A sex slave? Something else entirely? The guessing game was all she had to entertain herself with in the solitude. A voice spoke, but this was not the voice of a male. It was soft, sweet, feminine. Aliana's ears perked up. Female clients were rare. These ones would be different.

No more than a minute later, Aliana saw the slave master trudge by with two faes in tow, one a few inches taller than she was and one notably smaller and daintier. The taller one stopped when their eyes met, aquamarine meeting pale blue for a split second before she looked away on reflex, keeping her head bowed and staying silent. Never look the clients in the eye. Don't attract attention to yourself. But it was too late. From the corner of her eye, Aliana saw the taller woman nudge the smaller, and then the slaver was talking to them, discouraging them from considering her. Of course he would discourage them. He wanted her. But she wanted anything—anything other than that. Taking a bold chance, Aliana shifted to turn and face the clients, peering up at them with soft aquamarine eyes from beneath her lashes, her head bowed all the while. Don't speak. Don't sing. Just sit there, shut your mouth, and look pretty.

But would that be enough to make her worth the price?


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.