
for you i will



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
06-15-2021, 04:38 PM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2021, 04:38 PM by Siren. Edited 1 time in total.)
Dalila looked more focused and fierce than Siren had ever seen her, while she had gotten into quite a mess the protective side of Dalila was reawakened. That didn’t mean Siren couldn’t see the nerves in her servant, but she put on a grand show. Siren wasn’t comfortable, she would never be in a place like this, knowing Dalila was there gave her more piece of mind. Siren tried to keep the look of disgust off her face as they passed nameless haggard after poor souls. She was easily distracted by Dalila’s attention and she looked up to see through the small bars of the cage. The woman was enough to remind her of Dalila as well, it was kind of an odd sensation, though she did note the seeming boosted confidence of the girl behind bars.

The slave master chuckled, a sound that held no humor or amusement. It was cruel and grating, but Siren remained unphased on the outside. All she showed was the furrowing of her pale brows as he tried to tell her what she could afford and what her best options were. That only told her this was the most coveted wolf in his captivity, and that meant this was the one that Chimera should have. She resisted the urge to insult him as her dual toned gaze looked the silver marked woman over. Along with her pelt, the aura that surrounded her was a shining silver, further proof she was the right choice. A royal color.

He’d already rifled his dirty paws through her beautiful pelts, she hated that they wouldn’t be as appreciated as they were with her, but freeing Dalila was worth it. Giving this girl to Chimera was worth it. ”You may have gazed at my furs but you judge my wealth too swiftly.” Her dual toned eyes were sharp for how small and dainty she was as her attention shifted from slave to master. ”I have rare herbal remedies to add to my offer.” She didn’t give him any specifics, but she thought she could get him to bite. In a place like this there had to be infinite wounds to be seen on slaver and slave alike.

"Siren Primrose Klein"