
all that your love can bring



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-15-2021, 05:21 PM

Plague had been fully prepared for Void to tell him that he had to get back to Abaven, that he couldn't stay even though he wanted to. As much as he wanted to sweep Void away for the night and savor every last minute they had together in this rare moment of alone time before their wedding he refused to let himself come between Void and his family. He couldn't allow himself to be selfish in that regard after seeing how much his siblings relied on him and needed him. But his sweet man didn't give him the disappointment he was expecting. Instead, he heard the most relieving words he had heard in a long time. Yes, he could stay. A similarly relieved grin spread across Plague's lips as he nodded easily to Void's request. "Of course, my love. I'd love to walk back with you." He wouldn't dream of denying Void such a simple request after granting him the one thing that meant more to him than anything else in the world - time with the man he loved.

Knowing that they had the evening ahead of them and that he wouldn't have to let Void go until he returned his man back to Abaven tomorrow immediately made Plague relax into his fiancé's side, nuzzling into his neck with a savoring reverence that he was sure could only be experienced by wolves like them that loved so deeply and yet were constantly kept apart. Not for much longer though. Soon they would be married, they would share a name, the whole world would know that Void was his and he was Void's. "Have I told you lately how happy you make me?" he teased with a chuckle against Void's cheek, leaving affectionate kisses and licks all along Void's cheek, jaw, and muzzle till he finally caught Void's lips with his own with a soft sound of pleasure, his emerald gaze closing for that blissful moment. No one affected him the way the star-marked man did, but luckily for him he had found someone trustworthy to give his heart to. There was no fear in giving himself entirely to Void and willingly gave his lover all of his heart, body, and soul for the rest of time.

When Plague let their lips part, he opened his eyes so that his gaze could find Void's and a smile pulled across his lips. "I know it's still technically the middle of the day, but... I can't think of anything else I'd want to do right now than cuddle with you in bed." He grinned and stole another kiss before brushing his side against Void's as he moved away, leading his handsome husband to be into their bedroom before climbing into the bed that they had only gotten to share once before and never for a whole night. For once it would actually get to be used for its intended purpose. He settled into the numerous plush furs that were piled onto the bed with a content sigh, turning his gaze to Void with an inviting grin.
