
How Far I'll Go to Feel Anything

Segin - Summer Seasonal


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
06-15-2021, 10:30 PM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2021, 09:01 PM by Syanna. Edited 1 time in total.)

After her and Ezra's encounter with the sabertooth tiger, Syanna had escorted the injured dire wolf back to his home and helped the Hallows healers in any way she could to make sure Ezra's wounds didn't turn septic and that he didn't go into shock or succumb to blood loss. Once he was stable and she had been tended to, Syanna was finally able to take stock of her remaining inventory. As she had feared, saving Ezra's life had taken almost all of her medical supplies and herbs. The price had been worth it to save the big, stupid idiot of course, but it did put her in a predicament. Without medical supplies, she couldn't barter her services or items with other wolves for food and shelter, meaning she was stuck back at square one.

Of all the things she'd given up to keep Ezra alive, the wintergreen salve was what had hurt her the most. It had taken quite a lot of effort to track down the plants used to make it; just the thought of having to track down enough wintergreen to make it again made her feel tired. As she rested her sprained leg, Syanna got to chatting with the other healers in the pack, and through word of mouth she heard of a land to the south where wintergreen might be found. Encouraged (and partially bored out of her mind), Syanna began to prepare for the short trip alone, purposefully not mentioning it to Ezra, lest the overprotective boy freak out over her. She just needed to get out of the castle for a bit, and this would keep her idle paws busy.

As she had been leaving the castle, an overly friendly pack wolf had followed her to the gates, basically interrogating her on where she was off to, then all but inviting himself along to join her when she mentioned visiting the Grapevine Cathedral. Ordinarily, Syanna would reject the offer for company, but since she was still limping and didn't want to wind up stranded on her own halfway across Auster, she let the wolf come with her. Plus he was kind of adorable in his own overtly friendly way. He had introduced himself as Segin, making small talk as they went—although admittedly it was more him talking and her listening and giving the occasional short response.

It didn't take long for the two wolves to begin to approach the towering forest overtaken by dense grapevines, getting closer with each step. She'd never been to this part of Auster before, but it seemed nice enough. Overhead, the sky churned with dark, heavy clouds, signaling a coming summer storm. Syanna frowned; they would have to be quick, but even then they might not be able to beat the coming storm. She just hoped they'd be able to find some shelter somewhere if the heavens decided to open up on their heads. She didn't exactly feel like limping back to the castle in the middle of a storm. "Looks like rain's coming," she commented, smelling the thunderstorm on the air. "We should probably be quick about this. Do you know what wintergreen looks like?" She didn't know if the small brute was a healer or not, but all the better if he was. They were going to need a lot of wintergreen.

WC: 558 / 2500

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.