
Do you believe in Ice or Fire




Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Navigator (80)

5 Years

Pride - DemisexualThe Ooze ParticipantWordy
06-16-2021, 01:15 AM

It didn't take a genius to see that his lack of a committal response had disappointed Kitsune. The little girl huffed, as she was prone to doing he was beginning to learn, then lay down with her face pouting into her paws. Seeing her tiny face this close to his felt almost like a humorous contrast, but he kept his thoughts to himself. He felt he'd teased the poor princess enough for one day. Any more and she might decide he wasn't worth the trouble and call for his head. Nah, who was he kidding? This soft little fur ball wasn't a danger to him. The soft smile returned while he watched her eyes move while her mind worked behind them. Whatever she was thinking, Iho got the distinct feeling that he wasn't going to like it.

Suddenly she lifted her head, startling him as their antlers conked together, molten magma meeting frozen ice with a little clatter. She began to speak again, and the way she drew out the intro definitely spelled trouble for him. Sure enough, Kitsune called for him to stay near Ashen lands as her royal subject—with emphasis on her subject in particular. All she asked in return was to go adventuring together when she got older. Well shit... she was trying to keep him tied to these lands, wherever this place was. When Iho left his home to see the world, he hadn't exactly been expecting to be held hostage by a miniature princess. And yet, here he was! Iho paused to consider his options for a moment. He wasn't exactly in any sort of position to be bartering or denying her. Plus who knows, this might be the big change in his life he'd been looking for, all wrapped up in a small black-furred package.

Just as he went to respond, Kit puffed up her chest and sat up with a start to try and look more regal. All it did though was knock their antlers together again with a clamor, making Iho burst into snickers. She tried so hard to be prim and proper, it was so damn adorable. "Well, if you treat me really nice as your subject, then maaaaaybe I can be persuaded to stick around," he said with a teasing tone to his voice, his smile slowly creeping into a playful grin as he spoke. He really didn't have any better ideas for his current predicament, nor did he have any plans for what came after, so being the royal subject to the Ashen princess seemed like the best option for him.
