
for you i will



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
06-16-2021, 07:42 AM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2021, 07:43 AM by Siren. Edited 2 times in total.)
She knew that the herbal remedies were a long shot, but after such a terrible winter their worth was far higher than they had once been and despite his words Siren could see the debate cross his features as he returned to them. This was indeed the highest valued slave and she would have her for Chimera. The thoughts about what would shift from Dalila to this woman, or whoever they returned with, crossed her mind only swiftly. As long as Dalila was given her freedom everything else was worth it, even the suffering of this pretty slave. She seemed to strike a nerve, because the slaver looked like he was beginning to relent. His eyes were forced back to the travois behind Dalila as Siren upped her offer.

”Nine.” She corrected him as he relented slightly and sought just a little bit more for the valuable commodity. He needed more from her to truly be able to let go of the beautiful woman. As if to prove his point the she wolf lifted herself and shook her fur out as she did a little twist to fully show herself off. Like deep down she was rooting for the potential buyers. Siren was sure the woman was making a mistake. She didn’t want to come with them but she had no idea yet. Maybe she would be treated slightly better with the two women, Siren eyed the slaver the one who really wanted to keep her. Would he be easier or harder on her than Chimera? Not that it mattered really, this was all for Dalila. "What is her name?" She asked almost quietly as she internally second guessed herself.

Siren returned to the pile of supplies as he sought more for the slave woman. Really Siren was most attached to the pelts, those were sentimental and everything else was replaceable. The tiny princess plunged her dainty paws into the pile of furs to drag out the real valuables. Jewelry, gold, gems, little trinkets that Siren had been saving up for as long as her paws walked her island home. Siren unwrapped the furs they were collected within and revealed the sparkling shiny riches. ”Nine top quality pelts, a collection of rare herbal remedies, and these.”

"Siren Primrose Klein"