
you let her go



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-16-2021, 09:56 AM
Her question was answered, Lilith’s garnet gaze shifted to the folded gift as the woman explained herself. What the present was, where it came from, and the deeper meaning behind it. It was obvious that her father was spending time with this woman who looked so much like their once alpha. ”Waterproof?” She questioned softly, suddenly a whole lot more interested in the piece. The implications ad uses you could find for something that was water proof, or at the very least repelled water… Lilith wondered if it was so hard to make or find skins like this. Could someone in the pack potentially help her? The pelt was beautiful, she knew her dad was going to love it.

She tried not to think about how much time Ulric was going to spend with this woman. She couldn’t help but think about her mother, and how much had been stolen from her and her father when Azariah disappeared. Of course Lillith just wanted to see her dad happy, and if that meant welcoming someone into their family she was willing. She tried not to think about that Aranea woman and the sorrow she brought Ulric, and she prayed Eska would be everything he needed. More than her mother and much more than Aranea.

”I am, it’s nice to meet you.” She returned softly as Eska continued, telling her that Ulric had been vocal about her and her siblings. Which meant she likely knew about everything Lil had struggled with throughout her short life. Garnet gaze looked away from Eska ashamedly, she tried to think of anything positive her father could have told her. She was sick, and she was weak, that was all she could say for her life lived so far. ”I love him a lot,” Lilith admitted to the woman, bringing her ruby gaze back up to the golden eyed woman. ”I wouldn’t be here without him.” In more ways than one. She wasn’t incredibly healthy when she was born but after her mother left Lil’s illness truly took hold and weighed her down. If Ulric hadn’t been there day after day and night after night Lillith knew she wouldn’t have struggled through.

Lillith Adravendi