
Because Of You



08-01-2013, 06:59 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

The pines were perfect - and this far north there were enough that had been toppled by the elements for Orica to be able to get right at the sappy insides. Of course there was the problem of the sap being rather frozen - but by digging with her claws post the top layer she was able to get at little bits of the substance. Having no good way to carry it all, she bit at it, going from one tree to another and collecting enough of the gummy, gluey substance to make a decent mouthful. Her teeth would feel weird and sticky for a while, but the good side was that it warmed up the pitch, making it more maliable and spreadable. She went racing back towards the treeline and the open, snowy grounds... but when she got there... Demyan was gone.

Her heart forgot to beat for a second. Gone? How could he just be gone? Should she have said something? Should she have asked him to stay? Oh she didn't know what to say. What could be said at such a time? She'd chosen to focus on the male who was near death, but she recognized that Demyan also needed help to. She didn't know how, but perhaps she could manage to give him some. Or such she had thought before he'd disappeared.

In his place was a stranger. No - two. Orica saw them arriving, freezing at the sight of the lost paw and then charging forward. What a bizarre pair. One was a feline; Orica had seen their type in Glaciem. Was it bobcat? No - Lynx! That was it. As for the canine she had no idea what she was. Some kind of strange wolf-coyote hybrid, perhaps? Orica didn't have any sort of prejudices against mutts, she herself, was one sixteenth doberman on her father's side! But she couldn't wrap her head about what they could be doing here. ...Until she saw that the canine was trying to nudge the severed paw closer to the stump. In her own ignorant way, the stranger was trying to help. It was pitiful and tragic enough to make Orica start crying all over again - but no - no she had to be strong, espically now that more people were here.

The little healer came bounding forward, coming up from behind the fallen male. Her mouth was too full of the sticky pitch to make any sort of explanation, but she hoped that she looked sweet and helpful enough. With her bushy tail and her large awkward ears and her baby blue eyes, it wasn't too far fetched. She didn't have time for pleasantries anyway. Whining some sort of wordless 'excuse me', she did her best to lean over the black male's body, and lick her load of pitch onto the wounded area. It wasn't very easy - more like molding precious amber colored clay than spreading sap. But when it was done, the wound was sealed over. Admittedly, it was a field patch. It wasn't pretty, it wasn't clean cut, but it was working. Blood was only seeping through in a rare drop - not a ruby stream as before. There was still much more that needed to be done.

But first things first. "I'm sorry-" murmured the medic quickly, dipping her head, and stepping back to stand on the other side of her pacient. "My name is Orica, I-I'm a healer. - The paw has been severed and it can't be reattached, but at least the bleeding has stopped now. - Do you know this male?" She wasn't trying to figure anything out any more. There was too much going on. She just asked the question and waited.
