
stay with me



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
06-16-2021, 03:14 PM
Throughout her confessions, Em had been terrified of Indigo's reaction. She had no reason to suspect the gentle giant wolf would be anything but supportive, but would he still want her around when he found out the reason behind the hunters chasing her down? Would he still think she was valuable when he found out how broken she truly was? It wasn't the reaction she was most afraid of, but the crushing of her hopes, to have him turn her away back to her solitude when she had just begun to feel like she'd found where she could belong. All her life she'd been the outcast, the unwanted, the worthless. Indigo made her feel like she was something special. Having that feeling torn away might as well kill her for all the pain it would cause.

But despite her fears, Indigo did nothing but offer her kindness, support, a shoulder to lean on. He gently guided her head up until her gaze met his, seeing tender empathy and warmth in those cool blue eyes. When he swore to protect her from Matalar and that she never had to run again, Em could have cried. In fact, she did. Crystalline tears formed in the corners of her eyes, and unable to blink them back, the dusty purple fae let them drip down her cheeks. Her head flopped forward to rest against Indy's chest, trying her hardest to hold herself together while the roiling emotions threatened to overwhelm her. Her body shook with silent sobs, purging all the pain and negativity out of her soul. How weak was she, that a simple show of kindness and compassion could break her down and bring her to her knees? He must have thought she looked so foolish right now—she definitely felt it for herself.

"Thank you..." she whispered against his fur once she had control of her shaky breathing again. The words didn't feel like enough though. Would she ever be able to show Indigo how grateful she was for all he was offering her, for how he was changing her life like it was no effort at all? "Wherever you go, you'll have me. I swear it. From this day on, I'm yours." She looked back up into those rich sapphires in his handsome face. She swallowed back the emotion, managing a small smile amidst serious, tear-blurred eyes. "I mean it." She would stay with him and with her new family for the rest of her days. She would protect them with her life, offer whatever her broken soul could. Emersyn belonged with them—but more so, she owed her life to Indigo.
