
Come Hither, My Craft Fellows


08-05-2013, 01:26 PM

How much time had passed? She wasn't sure. She had spent sometime in Erani's den, resting, trying to put things back together. Her physical wounds had healed, but the emotional ones had not. She could still see it. The brute lunging at her. Desiring nothing more than to bring harm to her. It kept her up at night, left her restless during the day. She rarely ventured very far, sticking as close to the heart of Vahalla as possible. Today however she was dragged from the safety of her den by the call of Erani.

Paws carried her slowly to the source. Walls went up, a pleasant look plastered on her face but she rarely noticed that the other wolves around Erani looked a like Cormalin. "Hello." Gentle words left pale lips as she took a seat. She assumed that this meeting was about being able to defend yourself and learning to fight. She didn't mind, she would learn and continue on.

Eyes settled on some distant nonexistent object , audits flicking, waiting for Erani to address them all. She didn't even know if this was all the wolves. She didn't care. She let her mind go blank, numbing her body, drowning the pain. It helped. It brought a little light to her blue and gray eyes, softened her blank features. It made her appear to be happy. But in reality she still wasn't over what had happened. And she was constantly reminded of it. She was used as a spectacle for all to learn from. She inhaled through her nose and out through slightly parted jaws, listening to the idle conversation going on around her.

"speech" thought