
for you i will



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
06-16-2021, 04:30 PM

The scarred brute shifted a cold glance to the little princess when she corrected him on the number of pelts she had brought. He scoffed softly and gave her a sarcastic grin that only lasted a moment. "Oh, excuse me, nine pelts." He was already in a bad mood for even having to consider giving away this sexy little thing, but to have a pretentious, tiny woman as the buyer didn't help matters. He bit back his irritation though, focusing instead on what she might have to offer. He'd let her lay out her cards before he fully shut her down. At the question of what the slave's name was he gave another of those low chuckles, asking in return, "Does it matter?" He looked toward the little slave that was doing all she could to look appealing, a snarl twitching at his lips as he hit a paw against the bars, growling, "Hey, slave!" He watched her flinch away, but look at him submissively with a pleased grin. "See? She'll answer to whatever to whatever you want."

The brute looked back to the buyer as the little woman pulled the roll of furs off of the travois and unfurled them to reveal a collection of sparkling gems and jewelry, for once truly catching his attention and making him reconsider his desire to hold on to the little fae. He moved past Siren to examine the treasures she presented to him, considering them for a long moment. It was certainly the largest offer he had gotten for a slave, but this also wasn't just any slave. "I'll give you two of any of the other slaves for this price," he offered after a moment of consideration, but when he looked up at the pale woman's dual colored gaze he knew she wouldn't take it. She had her sights set on his prized slave and she wasn't going to walk away without her. He sighed and gave a shake of his head as he began to roll up the furs. He knew he was going to regret it, but he needed the sale. "Fine. You have a deal."

Once his payment was rolled up and tucked away in one of the other closed off alcoves, he came back to the cell and unlocked the door, swinging it open. "Go before I change my mind," he grumbled before stalking away, leaving the woman and her two slaves to their own devices. Dalila watched him go before looking to the fellow slave with a small smile. They did it. They came all this way and they accomplished what they had set out to do. They bought a slave. She'd be free from Chimera. It was a double edged sword though, knowing that this delicate fae was going to be subjected to him instead, but she'd get to be with Siren and that was all she cared about. "We should get out of here," she said softly to the two of them as she turned her attention back to the males in the slaver's crew that were loitering near by and watching them, fixing them with another hard stare.
