
for you i will


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-16-2021, 05:03 PM

Her attempts at trying to subtly sway the opinions of her potential buyers hadn't been good enough to fool the slave master though, garnering her a sideways snarl and a slam on the bars that made her recoil back in fright. She peered back with wide eyes, biting her tongue to stifle the yelp that almost slipped from her. Don't speak. Don't sing. Don't make a sound. Buyers wanted you quiet, yes? He shouted for her, not by name, but by her purpose. Slave. She looked back, eyes turned upward from her bowed head, glistening aquamarine shining in the low light while she regarded the wolves just beyond the bars. Her owner seemed pleased with her response. Maybe he'd forgive her for showing herself off like that.

The bartering went on for a little while longer, the tiny queen offering the pelts, rare herbs, and then something else she couldn't quite see. Aliana was curious; she wanted to come closer and see what the slave master was looking at, though she dare not disobey or provoke his ire any further. The slaver held up a gemstone then, letting the light bounce off its surface while he studied it. Aliana gave a soft gasp. Gems and treasures?! Surely she wasn't worth that much! Surprised eyes looked back to the two clients. Why were they willing to offer so much for her? She was nobody, nothing to them. The offer was too great. The slaver offered them two of any other slaves in stock, but the tiny woman remained resolute. It would be her. Ali didn't understand why her, but she wasn't about to question, it especially not after her owner spoke the words she never thought she'd hear.

"You have a deal."

The cell door swung open, permitting her exit from her cell and her life of confinement. Aliana gazed between the three wolves, uncertainty clouding her gaze while she took a few trepidatious steps toward the door. She slunk slowly past the slaver, keeping her head low and eyes turned down to her paws while she took her place beside her new owners. All the while she kept her eyes turned down, head held low until the slaver trudged away with a grumble of dissatisfaction. Blue-green eyes glanced up curiously at her new owners then, seeing the small smile on the taller fae's face for her. It was an odd sensation to see someone smile at her without sensing malicious intent behind it. Her stomach turned nervously. Was this really all over? Was this the start of her new life? Aliana wanted to thank the two faes, but she would hold her tongue until they were away from the slaver camp. Only then would she consider this truly over. Aliana followed diligently beside the two women when they made their exit, following them every step they took, just like a good girl should.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.