
its always a great day with you around



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-16-2021, 05:38 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2021, 07:00 PM by Indigo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Indigo was awake before the sun rose, his took the dawn patrol and was awake as early as you could get without really calling it night time anymore. Every morning he got to his paws, carefully disentangling from Duchess who preferred to sleep in his arms. Today wasn’t much different, he returned her to the warm furs without much disruption before turning his attention to Segin. He’d taken Duch out yesterday, he wondered if he could convince the mottled man today.

The Fatalis man leaned down to nuzzle Segin’s cheek, Ever since they met his affection had come easily, but especially after their evening shared in the garden Indigo was even more bold with his touch, or stealing kisses for himself. He tried to take one now as he gently woke the sweet natured man. ”Segin,” he whispered against the man’s dark lips. ”Come with me.” As he started to stir Indigo would smile into the relative darkness, pulling Segin from his dream and out onto the dewy grass of the courtyard as they made their way to the border.

He didn’t let himself leave too much difference between them as the pair of them left the safety of the castle walls towards the border with the shimmering shores. It would take all of his willpower not to lead them towards the beautiful water and a romantic morning together. He stole glances in Segin’s direction, acutely aware of how beautiful the rising sun’s colors intensified the beauty of Segin’s silver gaze. Indigo found himself quite enamored with the man, and didn’t hide the fact as they walked together quietly. The sun’s light was truly beginning to color the sky now, and Indigo’s attention was mostly on the patrol they were taking, but every distraction was special.

”I heard you’re the one to thank for convincing Emersyn to stay?” He asked softly as they walked together and he resisted nuzzling the sweet man’s cheek for at least the twentieth time since they walked out of the castle. Sapphire eyes were constantly scanning the horizon, and his other senses were on high alert. Especially touch as his dark fur played with Segin’s mottled purple pelt.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.