
How Far I'll Go to Feel Anything

Segin - Summer Seasonal



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-16-2021, 07:41 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2021, 07:42 PM by Segin. Edited 1 time in total.)
The second the fox-like woman he had come across mentioned that she would be going to the Grapevine Cathedral he knew he just had to go with her! Not only was it one of his favorite places he went to on his tour of Auster with Duchess, but he had been dying to collect come of those sweet grapes to bring them back to the others. He wanted to bring a whole selection of them back to share with Gypsy especially. He enjoyed bringing his little friend berries and sweets to snack on while they chatted. Besides all that, there was certainly herbs there to be collected and the lady seemed to be limping some as well and he'd feel bad if he knew she was going all that way by herself and let her end up hurt in the process! No, he immediately grabbed a bag to carry some grapes and herbs back in and then headed out with her, eager to go see the grove of vine covered trees again as well as get to know his chance acquaintance.

When Syanna commented on the darkening clouds he hummed in agreement and looked up at the sky. "The trees are really densely packed in the Grapevine Cathedral though so hopefully we'll avoid most of the rain in there! If not then there's sure to be a nook we can hide out in till it passes." Always one to put a positive spin, he looked away from the sky to his new traveling companion with a grin. He nodded in agreement when asked if he knew what wintergreen looked like. It was something he had used far too often whenever his father had gotten too rough with his adopted mother or one of his sisters, though he didn't really feel like Syanna would want to hear his dark and twisted past. "Yes, I've used it quite a few times," he settled on instead. That was a much easier response to give. He refocused his attention on the grove of trees ahead of them as they neared the cover of the trees. He could feel the dense mugginess in the air from the oncoming thunderstorm and silently he had already accepted that they wouldn't get back to the castle before the storm struck, but he didn't mind too much. He knew there would be plenty of places to wait it out here.

Walking into the dense clump of vine covered forest was almost like walking into a cave with how everything felt shadowed and secluded in here. The same still and quiet he had experienced last time held true and even as a rumble of thunder sounded overhead it seemed slightly dampened in here. Spotting some of the dark red grapes he had tried last time he grinned, giving a wag of his tail. "Oh! You've got to try these!" he exclaimed, trotting over to the grape vine after tossing her a grin. "These grapes are nice and sweet. Some of the other ones are more tart, but these are really good. Though I guess if you like things that are tart you might enjoy some of the green ones more!" He picked one of the grapes from the vine and hummed happily at the taste before looking to Syanna so she could join him, clearly distracted from their original mission for a moment.

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Segin Epsilon