
for you i will



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
06-17-2021, 05:00 AM
Siren’s brows fell when the man called the woman by her title instead of a real name. She really shouldn’t have expected anything less. She had to give up her final offer of the jewels but as he offered her two different slaves for the price she was offering he knew that she would not be satisfied. Finally he relented and the exchange of goods was final. Siren took one last look at the beautiful deer pelts, for now her largest regret but as her eyes looked up to the woman who was being let free Siren knew there were no winners here. The slaver lost his prized possession, Siren lost her beloved pelts, and the girl would lose any kind of special privileges that would have been given to her for being worth so much. Her new life would be just as bad if not worse than if she had been left here. Maybe Chimera would feel slightly sentimental that she was a gift from his sister, like she valued her gifts from him. If there was one predictability about Chimera it was that he was unpredictable.

The young Klein barely looked at the girl as she made her way towards her buyer, Siren was not her final master though. She knew better than to try and feel empathy for her or she would be in the same position she had been in with Dalila. Not that her servant could be replaced, there was no substitute for the dappled woman in her life. She had to remind herself that was why she was doing what she was doing. She was sacrificing this young woman for Dalila, it had to be worth it. The whole time she would struggle with herself, she couldn’t ever bring blame to Chimera. Neither sibling had ever been normal and they both struggled through life the best way they could, Chimera needed an outlet. That was a fact of life and she would offer up this young she wolf so spare the woman that she adored. Siren would admit her selfishness and promptly ignore it as the supplies were emptied from the travois and Dalila reminded her it was time to be gone from this place or Siren truly would be taking Dalila’s place.

”Come.” She said softly and began to lead the woman away, her head held high her pace deceivingly confident. Siren only felt better when the slavers camp was far behind them and the likelihood of being captured themselves diminished greatly. ”Do you have a name?” She questioned the slave, looking back at her briefly as they continued. Siren couldn’t wait to get home. She felt disgusting, but her baths for the next week wouldn’t help anything. ”You seem well trained. Hopefully it’ll do you good.” She felt oddly callous towards her, but what else could she do? Deep down she knew what she was doing and it was tearing her insides apart. ”You’re a gift for my brother.” She sighed softly and glanced to Dalila, trying hard to share the woman’s strength and take heart in her sweet gaze. ”I’ll do my best to patch you back together when he gets too rough.” She warned as she grit her teeth and put her efforts into moving her tiny paws faster.

"Siren Primrose Klein"