
for you i will



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
06-17-2021, 11:30 AM

Dalila kept up this stronger than she was, protective air about her until they were well out of sight of the slaver camp. Once it was well behind them she allowed herself to relax with a heavy sigh, returning to the drawn in, submissive stance that was far more comfortable to her. She stuck close to Siren's side the whole time, feeling that if she didn't have her eyes on her lady or at least feel her side lightly brushing against hers as they walked that Siren might just get whisked away and disappear. She absolutely despised the whole experience they just went through in order to obtain this girl, but they were done now. They had been successful in what they had set out to do. She looked up at the silvery girl when Dalila asked for her name, her ears flicking when Siren mentioned how her being well trained would serve her well. At least from her experience that had been true. "Just stand there like a good girl and things will go easier for you." The words still sent a little bit of a shiver down her spine, the memories from that night still fresh in her mind.

She glanced down to meet Siren's gaze when her lady glanced up at her, seeing the conflict brewing in her sweet princess' face. She dipped her head to gently brush her nose against Siren's cheek. She knew that Aliana would probably never understand why they had to do this or why they would knowingly buy a slave for Chimera to use, but Dalila was willing to do anything for Siren - even put this other slave into the line of fire. She brought her sympathetic gaze tentatively back to Aliana when Siren mentioned how she would patch her back together. "My lady is a talented healer. I've been learning from her - I'll help you when I can as well," she told her softly. She thought for a moment, wondering if there was even any advice she could give the other slave, but with Chimera being so unpredictable it was difficult to even pin point what he would want from her. "I'm sure it's nothing new to you, but speak when spoken to and be there when he calls," she advised, her gaze shifting to the ground. "But it does make him more angry if you don't talk at all. He has a woman that he keeps with him - Viper. Be careful with her. She attacked me once."

She gave the new woman a glance, wondering if there was anything else she could possibly say to prepare her for her new life. Dalila hadn't known what to expect when she was taken home with Chimera and Siren and she was glad that she could at least give this girl a little bit of a heads up so she wasn't completely blindsided. She felt a deep guilt over the whole situation and it felt like the least she could do to offer the woman a bit of comfort where she could. She leaned in a bit closer to Aliana, speaking softly to her. A secret between slaves. "He probably won't address you by your name... But I'll know it. I don't know if you'll want to speak to me after this, but if you want a friend I'll be that for you. I'm Dalila."
