
for you i will


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-17-2021, 01:14 PM

Neither woman spoke as they led her out of the slavers' camp. The bright sunlight felt harsh against her eyes after her time in the dark caves, the warmth on her coat and the fresh air in her lungs feeling like the start of something new. Only once they were finally away from the cruel wolves did either fae begin to settle down. The tiny queen looked back at her with a hardness that seemed to be hiding guilt in her heterochromatic eyes. She asked her name, then commented on her trained decorum as a slave. "I do, Mistress. It's Aliana Cadence," she replied, her voice soft-spoken and carefully measured, a habit from the lessons the slavers had beaten into her. The tiny mistress looked back to the other lady, who had slunk back into a much more submissive stance. Definitely her slave as well. But there was something strange about the dynamic between them. It didn't feel like what she had come to know owner/slave relationships should be. It perplexed her, but she left her curiosity unspoken as aquamarine eyes moved back and forth between them.

The silvery fae had been about to ask who she was to be serving when the tiny mistress spoke again, answering her unspoken question. So she was to be a gift for the lady's brother, that was who her new master would be. She wondered what the brute would be like and what she could expect being his servant. What purpose and role would she have in her new life? She hoped he would be pleased with his gift from who she now knew was his sister. But any enthusiasm she might have been mustering up was quashed the moment the ivory-furred fae promised to do her best to patch her up when he got too rough. Aliana's expression darkened a little and she looked to the taller fae for clarification. When he got too rough? What did that mean? What had she been bought to do?

She watched while the taller fae brushed her nose against their mistress' cheek. Definitely far more familiar for a slave to behave than she had been taught. How queer... She reiterated the tiny wolf's skills as a healer, and of her own. She fixed the patchwork femme with a nervous look. Should she expect to need to be patched up often? Was having healers on standby required? The tall slave continued to offer her advice, some common sense, some more tailored to her new master. Speak when spoken to, answer his every call. He gets angry if you don't talk at all, but don't talk too much. Watch out for someone named Viper. She sounded dangerous and unstable, and already Aliana found herself worrying about the prospect of someone having it out for her before she even arrived.

Her feelings and thoughts aside, Ali realized she didn't have any choice in the matter though. She could try to run right now, to flee the two women bringing her to her new master—but then what? Where would she go? Back to the slavers and the promise of being a brood mare? She wouldn't survive three days out in the wild on her own. No, the thoughts were never considered as possibilities in the submissive fae's mind. This was her life, and come what may she would have to make the most of it. She just had to keep her new master as pleased as she could. "I think I understand," she said with a small nod to the tall lady who introduced herself as Dalila in a whisper. "I don't know what to expect, but... thank you."

Thank you. It seemed like such an odd choice of words, but given the future she had been staring down, nothing could be as bad as that... right? Plus, she had a friend now. Or, well, a maybe friend in Dalila. It was more than she had had back with the slavers. She didn't know what they were parading her towards, but she was bound to find out. Taking in a slow breath, Ali followed the tiny mistress and Dalila quietly back to their home, anxious to see what awaited her at the end of the line.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.