
We Both Matter




3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-17-2021, 02:01 PM

Heart made of glass, my mind of stone
Tear me to pieces, skin to bone

Things had changed so quickly, it seemed. It wasn’t so long ago that it was just her and Indigo, with her perched on his neck as the picked out a room together, and then in the blink of an eye there was someone else and through no fault of Indigo or Duchess, Cosette suddenly found herself on the outside looking in. Just as she began to get used to the idea of sharing him, his little group suddenly exploded and now she didn’t even know how many others there were. She didn’t know all their names but every time she caught a glimpse of her friend it seemed like he was with a new violet hued wolf. She knew he wasn’t replacing her, but the insecurity was hard to shake and she felt like she didn’t quite fit among them all. Her childhood consisted of her being compared to her sisters relentlessly, and it was made clear to her time and time again that she had not been wanted. She would never be loved the way the rest of them were. Holding herself apart made the pain she felt at losing the constant comfort she’d felt with Indy her own fault, rather than anyone else’s. It was better if she was in control, even if her actions were only making things worse.

As she crept back into the pack lands after another long and stressful day with her mother, she noticed a familiar figure moving towards her. Cosette stopped in her tracks, unsure if Duchess’ approach was intentional or a coincidence. None of Indigo’s other companions had sought her out before, and she had never done so herself either. She was glad that Indigo seemed so happy with all of them, and adding numbers to his little group would be even better for the band he planned to start. Knowing that made her feel even more guilty for the jealous pangs in her chest when she saw how close they all were. Her toes flexed, digging her claws into the ground as her anxiety grew. Her conflicting emotions were complicated and confusing and she could only hope that if the other purple woman did intend to talk to her that it would help her sort through some of those feelings.

"Speech" || Thoughts