
How Far I'll Go to Feel Anything

Segin - Summer Seasonal


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
06-17-2021, 04:29 PM

The emphatically enthusiastic brute was just a constant ray of sunshine, a silver lining to all the dark clouds hovering overhead. She was quite glad to have someone with her who had been to the Grapevine Cathedral before. Judging by the rumble of thunder getting closer, she had the distinct impression that they would be waiting out the storm under the dense canopy of trees. That was fine though; she wasn't in any desperate need to get back to the castle anyway. Segin confirmed that he had indeed used wintergreen before, catching a glance of intrigue from the vixen-like fae beside him. So he was a healer as well, was he? Maybe they had more in common than she thought. Even if he had only wanted to come to snack on some grapes, he was unwittingly the best choice of companion to help her in her search. She doubted dopey Ezra would be able to tell wintergreen from holly.

Walking into the grove, Syanna was instantly hit by how much cooler it was under the heavy shade of the vine-covered trees. Overhead, she could just barely see pockets of gray sky peeking through the dark ceiling the trees and vines formed. She cocked her head in fascination. Segin had been right, they would be sheltered from the storm under here. Plus it would give them ample amounts of time to find what they wanted and enjoy the bounty of fruit all around them. Wandering around in their own little quiet, secluded world, Syanna immediately set to inspecting some of the shrubbery for the wintergreen. Segin, of course, had other priorities, and he called her over to try some of the grapes that grew in abundance here.

"Well, I suppose I could try some, but only if you insist just a little bit more," she teased the dark-furred brute with a smirk. Deft paws pulled a couple of dark red grapes from the vine and popped them into her mouth, chewing happily. Sweet juices burst across her tongue as she ate, emerald eyes springing wide open in surprised delight. He had been way too humble about how tasty they were! Syanna gave a hum of approval, quickly eating a couple more. "Oh wow, these are good!" she remarked around a mouthful of grape mush. She swallowed, then ate a couple more, already addicted. "Oh yeah, these are dangerous for my self control." Laughing lightly, Syanna took a glance at the green grapes, then sampled one, her muzzle scrunching up at the tart, almost sour taste. "Nah, not a fan. I'm more of a sweet girl."

A louder clap of thunder shook the air overhead. Syanna's eyes turned skyward just in time to catch a fat raindrop on her temple as it slipped through the leaves. Around them, the sound of a heavy deluge of rain started to pour from the heavens. Syanna peered through the trees to see the misty wall of rain just outside the grove. Once more, Segin had been right. The dense vines and treetops sheltered them almost entirely from the storm, with only a few raindrops slipping through here and there. "Well, guess we suddenly got a lot more time to hang out together," she said with a chuckle, eating another grape before looking around at the shrubs near them. "Which is probably a good thing, since wintergreen seems to be hard to come by down south..."

Syanna sauntered a few paces away, checking bushes while pausing to eat another grape or two as she went. After a few moments, she glanced back over her shoulder at Segin, eyeing the flamboyant brute curiously. "Wanna play a game? Maybe get to know one another better since we're stuck here for a while?" she asked. There were a number of things they could do. The 20 Questions game she'd played with Ezra, Truth or Dare, the list went on...

WC: 1220 / 2500

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.