
How Far I'll Go to Feel Anything

Segin - Summer Seasonal



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-17-2021, 09:52 PM
Segin grinned and chuckled when she teased him about convincing her to try some of the grapes, and as soon as she went to try them he watched her expressions curiously as she took a bite of one of the dark red grapes. Once he saw the surprise cross her face a proud grin crossed his own, his chest swelling with happiness that she enjoyed his find - throughly enjoyed it by the way she was popping them in her mouth one after another. He laughed lightly at the way she scrunched her nose at the more sour grapes, his tail wagging behind him. "Yeah, I agree. The sweet ones are way better!" He really liked these fun little moments. All too often it felt like life got so heavy and serious - which he didn't really mind either since sometimes that was necessary and cathartic to get all of that out into the open. But for most of his life moments of joy and happiness were pretty much nonexistent so he felt like he had to make up for it now.

His ears twitched at the sound of thunder overhead and moments later it began to down pour around them. A few raindrops made their way through the canopy of leaves here and there, but for the most part this ended up being a great place to hide out the storm just like he had predicted. He was just glad they made it here before it really started storming! It would certainly keep them trapped here for quite a while, but he didn't mind. He was enjoying Syanna's company and it would just give them plenty of time to hunt down every valuable herb in this place. She mirrored his thoughts with her comments about them suddenly having so much time together and how wintergreen was a tough thing to hunt down around here. He chuckled and nodded in agreement, replying, "Well if it's in here we'll find it!"

Segin trotted over to another set of bushes as she began to hunt down the herbs they were looking for as well, dark tail swishing with each step. He pulled some branches of the bush he was searching through back out of the way to give him a clearer path, but before he could get too far he heard Syanna ask him about playing a game to get to know each other better. He shot her a grin over his shoulder and nodded, replying, "Yeah! I'm always down for a game! How about... Truth or dare? That sounds fun. I'll go first - give me a dare!"

WC: 437
Total: 1657/2500

Segin Epsilon