
How Far I'll Go to Feel Anything

Segin - Summer Seasonal



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-17-2021, 11:13 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2021, 11:26 PM by Segin. Edited 4 times in total.)
Segin half heartedly continued to search for the wintergreen now that a game of truth or dare was on the table, scanning through some of the bushes near him and coming up empty handed. When she gave him his first dare he groaned with dread, but a playful grin still lingered on his lips. "Well, at least it's only the ones I've been romantically interested in," he said with a sigh, giving himself a small conciliation. If it had been for every wolf he had slept with... We'll, he'd have to give up searching for herbs entirely. He'd just be eating sour grapes until he had a stomach ache - and that was only if he could come up with a real number to follow. Of course Syanna had no way of knowing just how many wolves he had been sexually involved with, but he was happy to take advantage of the little loop hole she had given him.

He walked over to a bunch of green, sour grapes and pulled three of them free, popping them all into his mouth at the same time just to get it over with as soon as possible. His face immediately scrunched up from the tart, sour flavor as it filled his mouth, making him pucker and shake his head. "Bleh! Why do these sour grapes even exist?!" He reached over and grabbed a couple of the sweeter grapes and started crewing them with a relieved sigh. He grinned again and looked back to Syanna once more, his dark tail wagging gently behind him. "Alright, your turn! Truth or dare?" he asked around a mouth full of grape, continuing to eat the sweet dark red grapes till the sour taste was completely gone from his mouth.

Once she told him that she wanted to go for truth rather than dare, he hummed thoughtfully while peeking into the next bush around on his side of the clearing, continuing the rummaging they were doing to try and find the wintergreen they were so desperate to find. "Alright... How about... You came to The Hallows with Ezra, right? Do you like him?" he questioned, tossing her a teasing grin. He didn't know Ezra other than just seeing the tall, handsome man in passing, but he had seen her in the infirmary with him so he had to assume that she was pretty close to him at least. "I'll go for truth this time too!"

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