
How Far I'll Go to Feel Anything

Segin - Summer Seasonal


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
06-17-2021, 11:56 PM

Syanna was incredibly amused and intrigued when Segin proudly noted that she only mentioned wolves he'd been crushing on, and then proceeded to eat three of the awful grapes. She wondered why he had been so ecstatic to qualify his answer that way, pondering how she could twist that bit of info into something in their game. The reaction Segin had to the tart fruits was immediate and hilarious, light and airy laughter leaving her while she watched him quickly eat a few of the sweet red grapes to cleanse his palate. "Three wolves, eh? Okay, cool," she said with a thoughtful hum to herself. She wondered if any of those wolves were someone she knew, though she highly doubted it. She was a loner who kept mostly to herself.

Segin thought for a question while they both searched, then asked about her feelings towards Ezra. Syanna's body went rigid and ears alert, turning to give him a leer while he grinned back at her. Touché, purple boy... "I didn't come to the Hallows with Ezra, I brought him back after he got injured," she corrected him very matter-of-factly, sashaying over to where he was with a sway of her hips and tail and began inspecting through the bushes there. "Ezra is a sweetheart, albeit a little dopey, but I don't really know what I feel for him. He's a nice guy, quite the looker too, any girl would be lucky to have him..." A sly grin crept across her face while she glanced over at Segin, a devilish look in her green eyes. "I have caught him checking me out from time to time though, so I know he likes me... It's kinda flattering, I'll admit." But could she say she liked Ezra? She wasn't sure, but she certainly couldn't deny something there between them, even if it was as simple as he saved her life and she saved his in turn.

Pushing through the next bush, Syanna let out an excited squeal as she spotted a flourishing bush of wintergreen, an abundance of the distinct little red berries weighing down its branches. "Segin, I found it!" Syanna wasted no time in snatching up as much of the wintergreen as she could, stuffing the berries and leaves into her satchel until it was almost overflowing. With this much, she'd be able to remake her salve in quantity! Maybe she could give some to the Hallows healers as repayment for harboring her while she recovered.

But even though their objective had been completed, a bright flash of lightning following by booming thunder reminded her that returning to the Hallows wasn't going to happen for a while. Gazing up at the nearly pitch black sky, Syanna just gave Segin a shrug and plucked a bunch of red grapes from a nearby vine, then sauntered to the center of the clearing to flop across the soft grass. If they were going to be staying here for a while, she was going to make herself comfortable. "All right, Segin, truth time! And since you wanted to get personal..." She shot him a wicked grin. "Out of those three wolves you were crushing on, how many of them have you had sex with?" Syanna watched Segin with mirthful and curious eyes. They had both taken their game to a much more adult level, but she couldn't find a reason to regret it. It was all in good fun, and Segin seemed more than open to go to these places.

Once he'd given his answer, Syanna chewed a couple more sweet grapes and said, "Okay, Segin, dare me. Give me your best shot!"

WC: 608
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"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.