
Hell's Bells



08-01-2013, 08:52 PM

His question seemed to give her a surprise, and she seemed to give that question deep thought, and he caught a flicker of embarrassment as it swept through her face. Her eyes dropped to the ground, and finally, she spoke. He listened, deliberating. From how she said her words, it was as though after her childhood, she hadn?t been able to partake in something that would help her find her skills. ?So, a tracker. Any training you would need could be arranged. I think you would do well in Valhalla. We are a pack that cherishes our family, and upholds honor. Strength is in our unity, and love. Our alpha is Chrysanthe, and her father was once the greatest Alpha a pack could have. Chrysanthe is fair, honorable, and gentle, but if someone harms a member of the pack, she?ll be out for that wolf?s blood.?

Yes, for a young wolf, she was proving herself to be an echo of her father?s greatness, and someday, she might even match, or surpass him. He was honored to be a Beta under her rule. However, he had noticed the male who had been sticking very close to her side had been acting as though her was an Alpha male. He knew that Chrysanthe wouldn?t have made an Alpha male promotion without first introducing the male that would be helping in giving orders and ranks, but he had an odd feeling. He didn?t find the way the male gave other males jealous looks. The looks were quickly veiled, but they were there. He would have to speak with Chrysanthe about that.

His eyes turned to Persephone. ?Would you be interested in being a part of Valhalla??