
Because Of You


08-01-2013, 09:09 PM

That grin seemed like a permenant part of Bob's face as Cana fussed at him for scaring her, a weak laugh leaving him as he nuzzled her face into his fur. It felt good to have his friend so close to him. Cana was the last canine he expected to see, but he was glad she was here and didn't dare question what had brought her here. It was just good to see a familiar face. He glanced over, not moving his head but just his eyes, to see Euro sitting several feet away. Bob was even happy to see the cat. He was just happy to be seeing again!

The little wolf brought him a root of some sort, telling him it would help the pain. Not questioning her, he licked up the piece of root and began chewing it up and soon enough he felt a little of the relief she spoke of. She told him he was gonna be okay and he was safe, but Roberto wondered what he was safe from. His amber gaze glanced at his leg again, still not quite remembering everything that had happened or quite realizing that he'd never have his left forepaw ever again. Everything still felt very dim and fuzzy. He knew his name was Roberto and the dog's name was Cana and the cat was Euro and he knew he didn't know the little healer and he knew he hurt more than he had ever hurt before, but he didn't really know why.

He finished chewing up the root and swallowed it, slowly feeling the relief from it. He still hurt, but not near as bad as before. He felt tired, so so tired, and he really wanted to go to sleep. Even though he didn't remember much yet, he did remember seeing the two-toned fea before everything went dark so he assumed she had fixed him. He glanced at her, his tail giving a single wag and a grin winding its way onto his muzzle again. "Thanks," he croaked out.
