


08-01-2013, 09:33 PM
OOC Name: Dragon
How did you get here?:
Age: 20

Character's Name: Destruction
Age: 4
Season of birth: winter
Size: large
Appearance description: Destruction looks like she was spit directly from the pits of hell. She's a four-legged killing machine with deathly accuracy and no mercy. She's large, not exceedingly so, but large enough that those who dare stand in her way will give it a second thought lest they desire to meet her blood-stained weapons. The muscle strapped along her massive frame would make most males think twice about how well they keep up with their looks. It's not to the point that she looks like she'd been taking steroids, but noticeable enough to say that she can pack a mean punch. Her head is large and commanding, with fine ears and a strong muzzle that has met more than its share of throats. Extending down is her thick, sturdy neck that connects to immense, powerful shoulders that sit upon long, strong legs able to dismantle enemies with ease. Ivory talons adorn her large paws, stained with the blood of countless wolves. Destruction dons the darkest charcoal pelt, blacker than the darkest nights of Hell. The solid color is only disrupted by a stain of rusty red-ish that runs along from the bottom of her jaw line spreading outward along the outlines of her chest, leaving her legs untouched, stopping just short of her underbelly. To top of her hellish looks are her white eyes, a crimson ring circling the pupils.
Duty: Slayer