
I'm back Bitches! (re joining)

Rune I


5 Years
08-02-2013, 11:10 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

It was always interesting to hear the stories of others regarding something that he knew from personal experience. They never tended to be exactly what he recalled, and many times included details that he had missed in his own skewed observations. His attention to these details kept him enraptured as Morphine went about explaining what she knew of the recent happenings to the once proud pack of the Tortuga, mentioning her own fallout as Vecaan, the appointment of Desdemona as their new leader, her own subsequent fall, the unexpected arrival of the snow birds, and then her current appearance. It was strange how all of it had happened. Most of all was the sudden disappearance of the northerners leaving so soon after their arrival. But it was only their loss as far as he was concerned; perhaps even his gain if things went right.

He had no idea what to think of Morphine taking up leadership once more. He had always supposed her a good leader during his youth, but even after the span of only a year his perceptions had changed. If she had been so easily usurped by Desdemona, who was to say the same would not happen this time around, or worse because their numbers were so few? Did this put them at an even worse risk for encroachment from others or even another challenge for leadership? All were thoughts that coursed through his mind as the lovely white wolf ended her explanation, his brow still creased with thought though his lips remained as unmoving and silent as ever.

Tikaani recovered much more quickly, her thoughts gathered easily and sensibly into the sort of response he supposed was acceptable for the story just told. And, surprising him, she voiced a valid, important concern. Exactly what did Morphine intend to do with the pack now that she had it again? Was there any new plans in mind to prevent what happened last time from happening again? Would they need to live in worry that their lives might be turned upside down at any moment? All were thoughts he had already wondered and feared, and with a bit of effort he quelled them, drawing in a slow breath and attempting to ease the tension upon his brow. No sense getting defensive about a home and a life that were no longer his. All he could hope for was to someday return to that sense of comfort and complacency either here, in the New Tortuga, or elsewhere, preferably among his family.

The grey youth's frosty blue eyes caught the sudden glance from the russet female, realizing in that moment that her introduction was certainly an easy way for him to get his in as well. He cleared his throat gently, moving his pale gaze from Tikaani to the once-and-again leader of the Tortuga. Did she remember him? Probably not. He had been nothing but a scrawny youth when she had last seen him, he supposed, and though he had filled out quite a bit since then he was still far from the full figured wolf he had every intention of being. "I'm Rune," he stated lowly and without fanfare, before adding belatedly, "son of Kylar and Secret." Maybe Morphine remembered his parents if she did not remember him. He knew nothing of where those wolves had gone, only hoped to one day find them all again, but for the time being he could only cling to them by name, bringing their presences with him here should they be of any help to him.