
Time to set the tone

Hallows diplomacy meeting



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
06-19-2021, 06:05 PM

As the adults spoke, going through greetings and pleasantries, Ikigai observed it all. Some day she would be a force like her mother, but for now, she simply took a back seat, allowing the more experienced to take the spotlight. The knowledge hungry girl was eager to learn all that she could from this encounter. Already she was filing away information about The Hallows. Just like her mother and father, Iki caught the strange way that the Aegis, Ulric, danced around the topic of the former leader. She made no move or motion to show that she found it odd. The young lady's silver gaze never faltered from paying her guests the utmost attention.

As the boy, Artorias spoke her name in reverence, Ikigai allowed the first glimmer of personality to show. The corners of the delicate lass's eyes lifted in a smile, becoming even more almost shaped, perhaps due to the red flecks at the corners. "Please," the young lady spoke in tones that were both dulcet and strong all at once, "You may call me Ikigai." She was sure to enunciate her name well. Iki was all too aware that her long, illustrious name was a mouthful for those not use to such grand titles. The shadow and snow girl dipped her crown, eyes closing momentarily as she spoke once again. "Welcome to Ashen."

The conversation shifted and her mother offered the guests sustenance. As the group of them began to move, Ikigai waited for her mother to lead. Instead of walking beside her, the child moved to walk beside her massive sire. The girls long, obsidian tail snaked over the ground as she moved. Long legs and dainty paws moved gracefully, keeping up with her father's longer strides. She was eager to hear what their guests wished to speak about.

Okiku Ikigai ĹŚritsu Abraxas

[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]