
the reason is you



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
06-19-2021, 10:45 PM

Dalila certainly hadn't intended to make a friend of the new slave when they set out to purchase her. If anything, she had thought that she would want to keep herself distant, too guilty over the fact that she was dragging another woman into this just to save herself and allow herself to be with Siren and only Siren. But once she met Aliana and her sympathy began to outweigh her guilt, she couldn't help but talk quietly with the smaller woman as they walked, sharing small details about the life she would live and the island that they all shared, slowly building a new friendship with her. She knew what it was like to not have anyone, to be a slave and not have friends. While she was still Siren's servant, she had found a friend and a devotion to the tiny princess and that had pulled out parts of herself that she never knew existed. She couldn't let herself doom Aliana to a life of pure solitude when she was already subjecting her to whatever treatment Chimera would bestow.

When they arrived to the island, she followed the silent command that her lady gave them to keep back while she approached Chimera first, speaking to him softly with an apology and a bit of an introduction to the gift she brought. Dalila stood shoulder to shoulder with Aliana, watching the pair quietly. When Chimera pulled Siren close and began to soothe her lady's sore paws in the cool water, Dalila's ears flicked as an unexpected emotion washed over her. She wasn't worried - she knew that Chimera wouldn't hurt her, especially not now after this long trip that they had gone on purely for him. It was a jealousy that caught her off guard and made her soft blue gaze lingering on them with her jaw tensing. She didn't notice Aliana looking at her with surprise, instead watching as Chimera treated Siren with careful gentleness that he reserved for his sister.

She didn't have much to look forward to in this life, but caring for Siren was her one and only joy and seeing Chimera essentially do her job for her was difficult. She shifted her gaze down when he looked toward them, turning her eyes down toward the sand in front of her paws. It was silly of her to feel this way, she knew that very well. She was a servant and she had already been allowed far more privileges than most. She spent day in and day out with her lady, the slept in the same bed, she spent every morning and every evening maintaining Siren's long, beautiful fur. She shouldn't feel so put off by her brother simply washing her paws, but she did - especially after how he had spoken to her before and after essentially forcing them to purchase Aliana for him to repent for making him mad previously. She stood quietly like Aliana did, waiting for some kind of instruction, reminding herself that as much as she cared about Siren, she was still her slave.
