
Artorias vs Ezra

Tournament Finals - Yearling Bracket


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
06-20-2021, 12:31 AM

Ezra couldn't believe that he made it this far. He had gone into the tournament hopeful, but ultimately knowing that his skills probably weren't going to match up to many of the competitors. When he was declared the winner again and then again he was floored and incredibly proud of himself. Now he really understood why Artorias liked fighting so much now that he was getting a taste of what real fights could be like. They were fun and challenging and exciting all at once. Of course he knew he might feel differently if he had lost right off the bat, but he hadn't. The training he had been doing with Artorias had paid off and now here he was, about to face off with his mentor in the final round of the Ashen tournament. Even beyond being proud of himself for fighting so well, he was also just excited about the fact that the two finalists of their age group were both from The Hallows. They had come to show off what The Hallows was all about and he felt like they had succeeded in that.

He walked into the ring after a little bit of a water break, giving his coat a shake to get out some of the dust that had accumulated on him during the fights. His pale gaze caught sight of his father in the crowd, seeing the wide grin he wore, and he gave him a slightly embarrassed grin in return. He knew he and his father hadn't always seen eye to eye and he hardly ever felt like he did something that would make Ulric proud, but right now he felt like he had finally done that. He focused his attention on Artorias, facing off with his mentor for the last fight of the tournament, his grin widening with excited eagerness at the Baron's words. "I wouldn't dream of it, Carpathius," he shot back with a chuckle as he settled into his defenses and prepared himself for Artorias' first attack. If he lost this time he'd at least do it knowing that it was to someone like Artorias. His mentor was so good at this and worked so hard - he deserved to win this whole thing. But Ezra was going to make him work for it!

Ezra Adravendi