
Fighting Like Cats and Dogs

Ezra - Summer Seasonal


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
06-20-2021, 01:25 AM

Ezra could tell Syanna was talking to him and he could see the worry and panic on her face, but he couldn't really hear everything she was saying. He could just hear the blood rushing in his ears like the pain was somehow muffling his hearing. It was like he was caught in a constant feedback loop of pain - every time he breathed it hurt again, but the pain made him pant more which caused him to hurt more as a result. That combined with how he was losing a lot of blood made everything kind of fuzzy and indistinct after a few moments, but she was okay so it was worth it. As long as he saved her then it was okay. He was pretty sure she told him to sit still, but that felt like a silly instruction since he was pretty sure that he wouldn't be able to move even if he wanted to. Then suddenly the pain got worse when she pressed a cloth to the wound, making him tense up and grunt through gritted teeth, his face contorting with it as his ears pinned back against his head, doing his best to sit still like she said.

He looked at the plant that she stuck in front of his nose and didn't really question her demand, instead just forcing his mouth open to take it, chewing and swallowing the bitter herb dutifully. It was difficult to focus on much of anything, but he could hear her saying something so he tried, catching parts of what she was saying about how this was what she hadn't wanted to happen, the green eyes he loved looking so mad at him for fighting the cat and getting hurt. "I had to save you," he muttered, his voice soft and hoarse between shallow, pained panting, his brow pulling together with confusion as if this should be an obvious fact. That's what he had always been taught, right? Defend those he cared about, protect those that couldn't protect themselves, don't fight to hurt others without reason and only use his teeth when it was for a good cause. He had done all of those things so he couldn't feel upset about the wound he had gotten. Syanna was safe, that's what mattered.

Ezra sat there while she went on to examining his wound, doing his best to sit still and grit and bare it. It hadn't really crossed his mind how she was going to deal with this or how they were going to get back to The Hallows now. It also didn't really dawn on him how badly he was hurt despite how much pain he was in. He couldn't really tell how long it was that he was sitting here and he completely missed her internal debate as she looked down at her supplies. He only registered what was happening in the present when she told him to lay down. He slowly eased himself down to the ground, scoffing slightly at her reminder to lay on his good side. As if he wanted anything at all touching his extremely painful side.

He settled down onto his side, his wound facing up and more easily accessible to her now. She pressed another cloth to his tender side and he grimaced, another pained grunt escaping him while his paws flexed and clawed at the ground, doing his very best to hide as much of his pain as he could even though he was failing pretty badly at that. At least he wasn't screaming which was really what he felt like doing. When she asked about his pain he didn't really even know how to answer. This was the first time he had gotten really hurt so the pain was certainly the worst he had ever experienced, but did it just seem worse than it was because o that? Either way, it hurt like hell and he just wanted it to stop so he muttered, "Eight? Nine?" though gritted teeth, closing his eyes tight as he tried to shut it out and ignore how his head felt fuzzy and light from all the blood he had lost.

Ezra Adravendi