
Fighting Like Cats and Dogs

Ezra - Summer Seasonal


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
06-20-2021, 02:07 AM

Syanna's ears flicked upright when Ezra gave a grunting reply that he had to protect her. Her scowl deepened, but the worry in her eyes betrayed the fact that it wasn't anger on her face. It was fear; fear that she wouldn't be good enough to save him. "You stupid boy..." she muttered again under her breath. He really was going to get himself killed trying to save her. Why couldn't he just let her go? At least he was being compliant as a patient, but the gruff grunts he was making and the way he clawed at the ground showed just how much pain he actually was in. When he reported an eight or nine on the pain scale, Syanna's expression turned grim and her heart sank. Okay, so she would be using all of her supplies. Whatever, it didn't matter. Ezra had to live. She would have to be extremely careful about how she did this though. She would still need to get him ambulatory to get him back to the Hallows. There was no chance in hell she'd be able to bring his huge ass back on her own.

"Okay, let's get that number down." Syanna immediately began to open the container of salve with deft paws, the herby scent hitting her in the face. She set the salve aside, then took one of the wolfsbane petals and tapped his muzzle. "Open up," she instructed, then placed the petal gently on his tongue. "Swallow that whole. It's pretty powerful, so it should start helping the pain right away. If it's not going down in a few minutes, let me know, okay?" Syanna knew the wolfsbane would help ease the immediate pain, but it would also act as a sedative as it entered his bloodstream and make him extremely drowsy, which meant she had just started the timer of how long she had to get him patched up and back home. One petal would help dull the pain and make him sleepy. Two might stop the pain entirely, but he'd be unconscious in minutes. It could also run the risk of slowing or stopping his heart with how much blood he'd lost already. She had to measure the doses very, very carefully.

Turning back to his wound, Syanna pulled out her suture kit: a thin needle made of silver with an attached strand of catgut. She dipped her paws into the ointment and began to slather it across his wound, starting around the ragged edges as a topical painkiller and antiseptic. The thick paste helped to slow some of the bleeding as well, which bought her enough time to take the needle between two dainty toes as she eyed the wound, already planning out where the stitches would have to go. She gave the salve a few minutes to begin to numb the area around the wound, then she began her work. Syanna used one paw to tenderly push his rent flesh back together, the other slipping the sharp needle through muscle and sinew to bind it back together with practiced motions. She did her best tot ry and ignore any sounds Ezra would make, green eyes staring almost unblinking at her work.

Syanna moved smoothly and methodically, trying her best not to rush, even though the feeling of Ezra's warm blood around her paws did make her heart race with dread. Back and forth, back and forth the needle went, sealing his wound with as even stitching as she could manage until she had closed the wound up. Syanna cut the catgut thread with her teeth, making sure it held firm, then applied the rest of the salve over the wound to numb it further and covered it with the final piece of cloth she had. Unrolling the last of her bandages, Syanna nudged Ezra gently. "Sit up slowly," she ordered, waiting until he had gotten back up, then began winding the bandage around his torso to hold the cloth in place. Syanna had just enough bandage left to hold the cloth to his side and tie it taut but not too tight around his side. That would stop the bleeding and hopefully hold until they could get him back home and some more well equipped healers could tend to him.

Breathing a heavy sigh, Syanna looked over the bruised and bloodied boy with a nod. Not her finest work, but he'd live, probably. "Okay, we need to get you home, big boy," she said, nudging him again to get him back to his feet. "I need you to walk for me, Ezra. Can you do that? Do you feel all right to make it back home with me?" She didn't know how his body would react to the wolfsbane in addition to the blood loss. If he couldn't make it back on his own, they were fucked. She had no way of getting him back on her own and if she left him to call for help and he had a reaction to the wolfsbane or something else happened, he'd be dead before she got back. The only other thing she could hope for was a miracle of someone else coming by to find them.

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.