
what lies out there



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-20-2021, 05:05 AM

Knowing someone could potentially hear them versus someone definitely watching the pair of them in deepest intimacy was much different in Indigo’s mind. Maybe if he was eased into the idea a little more he would have been more accepting of the potential but as it was Indy was far to shy for all of that. Duchess teased him about it, but he scowled playfully at her. He was quite certain he wasn’t a performer, especially not like this. Duchess dropped it rather quickly, feeling similar to he was. He delicate limbs pulled her forward as she led the pair of them back towards the castle. It wasn’t his favorite place to enjoy each other but he wouldn’t question her.

What he didn’t really expect was finding this secret place at the side of the castle, the walla blocked out the sun and this was not a place frequented by members of the pack. They might still have an unexpected visitor but it wasn’t near as likely, it would just add a little extra danger to their deeds. Duchess turned back towards him, a suggestive smirk playing on her features as she challenged him. Like they had been half sparring she wasn’t through with their game.

Indigo lowered his brows, his expression sly as he lowered his head ears swiveling as he assessed her and acted as though he was calculating his next move. The corners of his dark lips pulled back into an eager grin before he moved. His joints were bent and Indigo suddenly leapt at her. He aimed both to use his huge paws to trip her up and bring her to the ground. Indigo would aim to pin her with his chest and bright his long fangs to her throat, trailing them up the vulnerable skin above her life force.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.