
The dinner bell


08-01-2013, 10:56 PM
ooc: That's fine (:

Nuka hummed in delight as he bit off chunk by chunk, chewed and swallowed the meat. It was so delicious, way better than the other small stuff he was normally hunting. It was fresh, chewy here, perfect there, just juicy enough to where he thought he was in heaven. The brown and white male usually caught small things, and when he went to devour the creature its flesh would be tough and too much of a hassle to rip off the bone. And if it wasn't that, it was old carcasses he scavenged off, having to fight off birds.

About to dig into a meaty part he had missed, Nuka stopped, ears swiveling to the side when the man spoke. He told the yearling to cal him Greed and calling him Mister would make him a gentleman which he wasn't. The boy gave a nod of his head to this, going back to his meal.

"Hey Kid, where's your family? Or are you already all alone in the big bad world?" His ears perked up again, his mouth around a piece of meat, quickly slurping it up like a noodle and licked his lips before speaking. "I have no family." He said simply, turning his gaze away to look for a part of the animal he could go after next. "A puma got mother, and sis died in the snow when me and father left home. I don't know what happened to him, woke up one day and he wasn't in the den."

The way he spoke of it, made it seem like the boy wasn't really affected by the death going on around him, and the disappearance of his father. he was pretty calm about it giving a shrug of his shoulders before attacking a leg, clearing the flesh within seconds then began gnawing on the bone.


Awesome table by Shelby <3