
Fighting Like Cats and Dogs

Ezra - Summer Seasonal


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
06-20-2021, 11:58 PM

Ezra didn't hesitate or question any of Syanna's instructions so when she tapped his muzzle and told him to open his mouth he did so obediently. He swallowed down the thing she placed on his tongue, half listening as she explained that it would help with the pain and giving a small nod when she said that it would help with the pain. That's all he needed to know and all he really wanted at this point, though the pain and blood loss were really starting to mess with his head. His vision went strangely foggy as he relaxed back into the grass again and he finally just let his eyes close again, his jaws parted while he breathed in shallow, painful panting. He grimaced and tensed as she started touching the wound again, his claws ripping away at the grass once more, but after a few minutes between the stuff she had smeared on his wound and the medicine that he had been fed the pain did start to dull a bit. It was a welcome relief and it allowed him to breathe a bit easier, but it didn't really help the fuzzy, swimming feeling in his head and how everything seemed kind of distant.

He couldn't do anything else but lay still and let Syanna do her work - the laying still part becoming infinitely more difficult when she began to stitch up the wound. Uncomfortable, pained whines and grunts through gritted teeth escaped him despite the pain killers, though the longer she worked the less painful it became. The numbing affect of whatever it was she had used fully took effect and it just made the stitching she was doing feel very strange and uncomfortable, but less painful so his sounds of pain eventually tapered off and left him simply panting once more. By the time she was done and instructed him to sit up, he was slightly numbed pretty much all over and that combined with the grogginess and heaviness he felt made the task much more difficult than he anticipated.

He slowly and carefully pushed himself up onto his haunches, his head pounding and feeling as if it weighed more than a pile of rocks. His heart was hammering hard against his chest and he was trembling a little bit without really noticing it, but he was able to sit up and blink his eyes open even though his vision was still a bit unfocused from the blood loss and medicines currently working their way into his system. He continued to hold still for her while she wrapped him up with bandages, slowly turning his head to look at her, feeling like he was moving through a sludge with how much effort it took. He watched her for a long moment while she tended to him, so undeniably grateful that she was okay and that she knew all of this stuff.

The idea of getting up sounded hard enough much less walking, but he'd certainly at least try anything Syanna asked of him. He gathered up his strength and pushed himself to his paws with a deep grunt, wavering for a moment until he finally found some kind of balance. He stood there just breathing for a long moment before he experimentally put one paw in front of another and very slowly he started walking back toward the castle, his gaze focused on the ground in front of him as if just walking took all his attention to manage. He occasionally wavered again and sometimes had to lean on her slightly to catch his balance, but somehow he managed to make it back in mostly one piece thanks to her.

Ezra Adravendi