
stay with me



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-21-2021, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2021, 03:28 PM by Indigo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Emersyn relaxed against him, there was less and less tension in her body the longer he held her. Indigo had near infinite patience, if she needed him to he’d have held her like that for the rest of the night as she grew accustomed to his touch and convinced her subconscious he wasn’t going to harm her. A single word and he would be out of sight and away from her. That wasn’t what she wanted though. The way she exhaled was one of the last indicators of her resistance but the sound of it drew deeper emotions from Indigo as well. To his chagrin Indigo was better at holding himself back these days, he’d practiced enough self discipline to keep the feelings from showing through.

She took a moment to anwer, but even through the wait she didn’t pull away like she was going to deny him. The opposite. Emersyn drew closer as she nuzzled underneath his jaw pressing against his throat as she did more than just humor him. She wanted him to stay here with her. Indigo felt a grin spread over his features, so much different from the feelings and emotions that overwhelmed him only moments before. It was therapeutic being able to tell her everything and feeling her acceptance despite it all. She held tight to him, and maybe he’d also receive her affection. Something he hadn’t expected, not with everything she had been through. She trusted him though, that was paramount in a relationship. If they could trust each other there wasn’t anything they couldn’t weather. He hid nothing from her now.

Even the darkness couldn’t hide the look in her eye as she pulled back and gazed up at him. Indigo could see emotions that were brand new to the woman beside him. Then she pulled away, but he would let her leave willingly as she led him to the bed that took up much of the room’s space. He watched the curve of her body as she scaled the bed and invited him almost sheepishly. Indigo was a step behind her as she invited him wordlessly beside her. Indigo lifted his mass to the soft bed, sinking into it and unintentionally bringing Emersyn closer as he sunk into its fluff. He aimed to wrap his arms around her shoulders again and bring her closer to his chest this time. She was warm and inviting and perfect against him as he felt the sleepiness drag at his tired eyes.

”I’m glad you’re here.” He told her softly as he nuzzled gently into her neck as he surrounded her there on the massive bed. She was a perfect pillow,  and he knew he was going to sleep better with her in his arms than guarding the doorway.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.