
The stars in your eyes




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-21-2021, 10:41 PM
Segin's ears perked and flicked at the sound of her protective, angry growl. Whenever he told his story, first with Indigo and now with Emersyn, he didn't really know how they would react. Part of him always kind of expected that he would get a similar response to how his family had reacted. Fear, distrust. A worry that he was going to fall into the same ways of his father. One murder surely ran into another in their eyes. But that's not how Indigo or Emersyn reacted. As she wrapped him up in an embrace and pulled him tight to her, he leaned gratefully into her and smiled faintly as her head tucked down over his and he was surrounded by her protectiveness. Her soft words of assurances that his family lost their privilege to claim him and that she was glad that Indigo found them both warmed his heart and made him wrap his forelegs around her sides to squeeze her in his much smaller embrace. He wished he could say he would keep anyone from hurting her too, but realistically he knew that he wouldn't stand much of a chance in a fight. But he could play into his other strengths.

"Well, I can't really vow to protect you... But I can promise to always be here for you and give you hugs whenever you want," he told her with a chuckle, squeezing her in his arms again. He shifted his head enough to slip out from under her own so that he could tip his muzzle up and press a kiss to her cheek, his dark tail wagging and brushing through the grass. "We both had really bad luck with families, but we'll be each other's family now, okay? Or whatever you want us to be. Best friends? Either way, we'll look out for each other from now on!" He grinned up at her while his paws scratched affectionately along her back. He was a naturally affectionate wolf, especially with physical affection, and he often forgot the fact that other wolves didn't always like that sort of thing. Without really thinking about it, he leaned up again and gave her chin a playful lick before chuckling and nuzzling his head into her chest again.

Segin Epsilon