
disloyal thoughts.



11 Years
Athena I
08-02-2013, 07:55 AM

Bone-colored ears turned forward to listen to the three-legged spy, her head nodding in understanding at his reasons. It was a fairly logical decision with the set of skills be possessed. Actually, it was a very good decision, if everything he said was true and she felt like it was. The sudden disappearance of his irritation at her presence was surprising, but it only confirmed to Alena that his emotions were flighty and just told her that she couldn't always know what to expect from him. But perhaps she could earn his trust? She didn't so much care about what Medusa thought or even what he thought about Medusa, she only had the pack's interests in mind and needed to know if he could help her with and do the duties that this position as scout entailed.

She couldn't help but draw comparisons between Tyberius and his brother. They seemed to be complete opposites in every way she could think of. It was almost hard to believe that they were related. But she pushed the thought aside at his own questioning of why she took this job. She had nothing to hide so she spoke with complete honesty. "I saw an opportunity and I took it. The skills I developed as an assassin translated over well to being a spy so I decided to branch out a bit. Besides, there isn't a lot to do in a pack for an assassin. Packs don't exactly make friends when their members go around killing wolves after all." The fea smirked at the thought. She had never considered herself a cold-blooded killer. She had always wanted a justified reason before she took a job or killed a wolf. Almost all of her targets had been rapists, murderers, and the like. Wolves that had done serious harm to someone else. But that didn't mean that Alena was bothered by her killing. In fact, she kind of enjoyed it from time to time.
