
Could This Be It?



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-02-2013, 12:38 PM

A song rippled on the winds, and she lifted her head, ears pricking. It wasn?t Cormalin?s voice, but it was similar. She pulled herself to her paws with a huff and took off at a trot. Surreal had been toward that edge of the territory. While the song hadn?t held a threat, she wanted to be sure of her eldest daughter?s location and safety. So her paws took her to where she could smell the silver daughter?s scent trail. She smiled as she caught the twists and turns of the path, as it intertwined with a hare?s fear smells, and then she found them. Three males, ranging in size from as tall as her in the slate grey male?s case, to three inches below her in the smallest and most slender male?s case. Surreal?s kill lay behind a bush, and she glanced down at it as she passed the bush, pleased at the bloodless kill.

Surreal herself had approached the males, and with all the exuberance of her young age, had greeted them. They looked startled, the mist grey male finally answering with an affirmative of her daughter?s announcement. Erani watched tails begin to wag. So? These were her long lost nephews. She stepped up to stand beside her daughter, lowering her head to brush Surreal?s shoulder. ?That was a fine kill, little one. You?re getting to be a fine hunter, and only a yearling. You have done well. And you?ve found the lost brothers.? She smiled, running her tongue over her child?s cheek, before her eyes turned to the males. ?So, you are my nephews? It?s wonderful to finally meet you. Your father should be along soon enough, and won?t he be glad. Ever since your sister found him on the Battlefield, he?s been anxious to find you boys and bring you home. I am Erani, by the way. I am the Lead Healer of Valhalla.? Her voice was warm velvet, almost mystical, lilted with Highland but mainly soft British. During her three years of solace as a youngster, she had lost her Irish accent.

A gentle smile pulled at her muzzle, as her eyes took them in.