
take that step with me



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-24-2021, 05:45 PM
The soft sound of Gypsy’s paws brought Indigo’s features up to meet her sightless gaze. He grinned despite her not being able to see it. Instead he offered a pleased rumble at the sight of her, aiming to place a kiss on her forehead as Duchess appeared next. ”I’ll find something for you, Gypsy.” He promised softly as he looked to Duchess and returned her affection, nuzzling into her neck gently. Cosette appeared on dainty feet and tried to sit a little further from the group. Indigo grinned at her and aimed to grab around her shoulders before he pulled her closer to him and invited her into the group.

Segin was swift to make his appearance as well and Indigo leaned into his affection as he visited Duchess and settled near Gypsy with his bag of berries and grapes. Indy had a container of honied strawberries stowed away for the right moment. Emersyn was the last to make her entrance but Indigo had no doubt it was because she was going through and double checking their previous residence. He mirrored her expression as she looked up at him shyly, the corners of Indigo’s lips had pulled back into a smile just for her. The grin on her own features made his heart skip a beat and he was reminded just how privileged he was to be going through with this right now. Every one of the wolves here was an important part of a dream finally realized. Emersyn said it best as she seemed to speak for the group, everyone was ready to follow his lead.

Before he could say anything one more presence appeared. Ulric came to see them off. Indigo was struck by the missing presence of his grandmother and his eyes misted over as he tried to stand tall for Ulric as he offered up his well wishes and a gift for the band. ”Thank you, Ulric. That means more than you could know.” He blinked back his tears and tried to ignore the ache in his heart at all of the wolves that should have been standing there with him but were not. Indigo shouldered the bag Ulric offered as well as the bigger one that was waiting at his feet. He offered Gypsy a tiny herb pack, he figured he could also teach her about what was inside as they traveled and added to it.

”Alright, this is it. We’re the Nomad Band.” He declared as he lifted his eyes to the sky, wondering what they would all think if they saw him. Resin, Azure, his mother, Rue… He looked to the wolves around him with deep respect and adoration before he took the first few steps into their future.


Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.