
picnic sand



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
06-25-2021, 01:05 PM
Evening descended on the island as Siren walked alone over the beach. She was always quiet and that was no big difference to her regular life. If she could be any more reclusive though she was. Siren had been hiding in her den as much as she could, half afraid of seeing Aliana bloodied or bruised. There was a guilt that took residence inside her for what she did. The girl was trying so hard to be unfeeling and convince herself that Ali was a tool and nothing more. She was too empathetic and felt far too deeply for those around her. Maybe it had something to do with her visual hallucinations. She felt deeper than anyone else she knew, perhaps the penchant was another of her disabilities. Cursed to feel how those around her felt.

Siren was lone but she wasn’t aimless. Over her slim shoulder was a small pack, well small to anyone that wasn’t the tiny princess. The bag took up almost the same amount of space she did. Within she carried supplies for a small meal, nothing extravagant at all but there was a little variety. Enough that it could be considered special compared to the everyday fare. Siren was headed towards Chimera’s spot on the beach where he often came at the end of the day to relax and soak his paws. Like he’d been doing when she presented him with Aliana. She shook the thought from her head as she approached on dainty paws. She was getting better at hiding the tumultuous feelings beneath the surface but she didn’t have to fake her smile when her dual toned eyes fell on Chimera’s massive form.

”Chi,” she greeted him with her soft sweet voice, no longer choking on her words like the last time they were here. She knew that he didn’t want anything from her, that as long as she was here and safe he was happy. However, the girl was all too thoughtful as history showed and he was often on her mind. ”I brought us some food,” She explained but hesitantly added. ”If you have time…” She knew how busy he was, enough that she barely saw im these days. Especially with him moving out of her den. (not that she would ever complain about being separate from Viper.)

"Siren Primrose Klein"