
The New Normal



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-25-2021, 02:43 PM

Chimera's growl sent a little thrill of genuine fear through her heart, but Aliana did her best not to let it show. She just had to remember to do what he asked of her and everything would be fine... right? The sound of scuffling paws behind her made her glance back just in time to catch the dogs slinking out of the den. Her eyes turned back towards her master, keeping them turned down to his massive paws, realization coming to her all at once. She was now alone with Chimera. Without realizing it, Ali's eyes turned up to find Chimera's again for a split second, just to see what he was so focused on. As it turned out, the answer was her. Ali was swift to turn her eyes down to his paws again, debating if she should apologize or if that would make things worse.

Chimera spoke again, his voice low and threatening. He asked how much they had told her. Ali's breathing picked up with each step he took closer to her, alarm bells ringing in her head at the danger she suddenly felt emanating from the giant of a brute. "They didn't tell me much, sir," she spoke honestly, more afraid to tell a lie than risk what the truth might provoke. "Lady Siren only said I was to be yours, and that..." Her words faltered as Chimera came right up on her now, so close she could smell his strong, masculine scent with every breath and feel his presence looming over her like a tremendous, lethal shadow. She swallowed back the fear to finish answering her master. "...and that she'd try to patch me up when you... got too rough..."

Aliana kept her aquamarine eyes turned down to her paws, gazing at the size difference between their feet alone. He absolutely dwarfed her, and she was acutely aware of how easy it would be for him to break her permanently, drag her lifeless body into the woods and bury her in some unmarked grave on the island all by himself. A shiver shook her dainty form when she felt and heard his breath right beside her ear, making it flick on reflex and fold back to her skull. She couldn't see his teeth, didn't know the danger he truly possessed with them, but even without them he was an intimidating man. "I will hunt you down and make you suffer." "It will not be easy and it will hurt, but if you're a good girl, it will hurt less." Ali uttered a soft gasp from his rumbled promises, knowing they were too real to be threats. Her tiny sound of fear was followed by another tremor while her tail flicked anxiously and tucked further between her legs. She had never felt real terror like this before. Chimera's predatory nature had her fearing for her life, and nothing Siren nor Dalila had said could have prepared her for him.

Swallowing back the fear with a shaking breath, Aliana gave another small nod of her head. "I understand, Mast-" Her words broke again when she felt the behemoth brute inhale her scent right beside her ear, sampling her like a predator studying his prey, drawing another quiet gasp from her. Her legs quivered and toes flexed as that flight reflex started screaming at her again. She ignored it, overrode it, and remained where she was, though her discomfort was obvious. "...Master Chimera..." she finished once she'd gathered her nerves back about her, the nervous churning of her stomach making her feel a little ill. Siren's cryptic warning had implied pain would be part of her life with Chimera, but nothing could have prepared her for the fear. She just hoped her first day of duties didn't involve being torn to shreds by the gargantuan brute.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.