
How Far I'll Go to Feel Anything

Segin - Summer Seasonal



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-25-2021, 09:53 PM
Segin raised a curious, interested brow when she seemed to freeze up at his question, grinning wider with amusement when she glared at him in response. He rolled his eyes when she clarified that she had brought him back when he was injured instead of just going there freely. Details, details. He hummed in agreement when she mentioned how Ezra was a looker - he had a preference for wolves larger than him anyway and Ezra very clearly took after his father in that. He couldn't really speak to his personality since he had never interacted with the apparently dopey boy, but he could imagine that he was quite sweet. He laughed when she talked about catching Ezra checking her out a few times, his silver eyes shining with amusement. He loved this little banter back and forth, feeling like he was gossiping with a good friend instead of with someone he had only just met earlier that day.

He was still chuckling with amusement as they each took a moment searching for the herb they were looking for when he heard Syanna call out about finding the wintergreen, making his head pop up with excitement. He trotted over to where she was standing, giving her a victorious grin and wagging his tail. "Good job!" he exclaimed, picking a small bundle for himself and tucking it away. He let her take the majority of it through since that had been her main objective in coming here. He had his grapes and good company, his whole objective had more than been accomplished at this point. He returned her shrug at the loud clap of thunder before picking some more sweet grapes for himself as well and following her over to a soft patch of grass, flopping down beside her with a content sigh.

His ears perked at her question as she followed through with his request for a truth in their game of truth or dare. How many of the wolves he had admitted to being romantically interested had he been with sexually? A bashful grin crept across his face and he chuckled, a sly look in his eyes. "Um... All three," he replied with a giggle, popping a couple more grapes into his mouth. Of course those three were the most special in the list of wolves he had been with, but they were still a small fraction of that list. He remembered most of the wolves he had sex with, though there were admittedly probably a few he didn't remember in the haze of mourning and crushing heartache, but he wasn't going to go into all of that with Syanna. He was having too much fun. "I'm... um... very sexually active," he explained with another chuckle, giving her a little shrug.

When she requested a dare - his best shot at that - he hummed thoughtfully, squinting at her for a moment as he racked his brain. He could have made her eat some grapes like she did him, but that wasn't creative. He could make her run through the rain, but that felt mean. "I dare you to..." He struggled for a beat more before an idea came to mind with a grin. "I dare you to kiss me!" he exclaimed with a giggle, his tail wagging. Of course he didn't specify where she had to kiss him on purpose. A kiss on the cheek would suffice just fine. But if she wanted to kiss him on the lips then he wouldn't say no to that either. It didn't really phase him that she might like Ezra or that Ezra most certainly liked her. That wasn't really something the very polyamorous man considered.

Segin Epsilon