
stay with me



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
06-26-2021, 06:23 PM
Everything about Indigo seemed to be handcrafted to bring joy and warmth and love. From the way he looked at her to the way he held her and the way he kissed her back. Gods, even that roguish grin filled her belly with butterflies and the warm tension she'd felt with him the night before! He returned her morning greeting in turn, even something as simple as that making her grin like a simpleton. She was still struggling with her own inner demons around coming to terms with her beauty and appearance, so hearing him call her gorgeous was another injection of confidence straight into her deflated self esteem.

She giggled quietly when he nuzzled her, all too eager to return the gentle affections by brushing her muzzle against his and planting a tender kiss to his cheek. As if in perfect retaliation, he began to shower her muzzle in little kisses, making her laugh in earnest while she playfully tried to turn her nose up and away and failing miserably to escape his symphony of smooches. "Mhmm. That was the best night of my life," she whispered back in the stillness of the tranquil morning. "How about you?" Em let out a breathy sigh of delight while Indigo graced her jaw line with nibbles, her head instinctively tipping back to grant him better access—as well as total trust and access to her vulnerable throat. Before him, she would never allow another wolf anywhere near her like this. Indigo was special. He had given her the time and patience and love to nurture her through her recovery, and now he could reap the rewards of what he had sown.

Em's breath caught in her throat while she gave all of herself to Indigo for him to enjoy. Her eyelids fluttered closed, basking in the feeling of being loved and desired by this large, strong, handsome man. Her paws wrapped slowly around his neck to run delicate claws through his mane, the very tips of her claws just barely grazing his skin while she stroked up and down his neck and across his shoulders. One of Em's hind legs lifted to stretch and drape languidly around his hip, just a short move away from wrapping around his waist entirely, and subtly pushed her hips up into his in a silent demand. Being with Indigo was such a stark difference to Segin. Indigo matched her not just closely in size, but in strength, insistence, dominance. Their lovemaking felt much more give and take, like Indigo could have his way with her in a heartbeat or she could top him in the blink of an eye. They worked together in equal partnership, and that was part of what made passion with the Fatalis brute so amazing.

A soft whine escaped Em's lips between her breathy gasps and deeper breathing. Her heart beat faster and stronger against her chest, the heat in her core burning hotter by the second. Her paws gripped at his mane, pulling herself tighter to him while she used their position to tip her muzzle closer to his ear, letting her tongue dance over the edge of it briefly. "Any chance I could convince you for a repeat performance before we get up?" Her words were whispered almost directly into his ear, her paws roaming through his thick dark violet fur. A part of her knew she shouldn't be selfish with his time, that they both had responsibilities waiting for them outside the bedroom, that the others would probably be wondering where they were soon enough. That part of her was silenced by the rest of her that didn't care. Indigo had made her feel so, so amazing—and more importantly, alive. Completely and unabashedly alive.
