
strawberry wine



3 Years
Extra small
06-27-2021, 08:35 PM

The sadness in his voice remained and Gypsy felt the need to do something about it. As Indigo stated that he would try to not be sad if they met up with his sister, the tiny fae slid forward, her body against his wide, fluffy chest. She didn't know what else she could do to make him happy, but he seemed to be happier when he was touching her. Leaning up, Gypsy placed a soft little kiss on the brute's bearded chin. Perhaps that would make him happier. She could tell that nothing would ever fill the hole in his heart other than the sister that he spoke of, but she could help patch him up a bit.

The tiny purple and white woman stayed pressed against the big man's chest, feeling his breathing push and pull her body like the ebb and flow of the waves on a beach. In his touch, she felt comfort. She felt safe. Indigo was her home now. It wasn't some castle or a den or any other number of living spaces. Wherever he was, she would be home.

The soft joking of Indigo brought an equally soft laugh from Gypsy. He wanted to take the strawberries back to preserve them in honey. She could feel how hard he was trying to change his mood for her sake. A tiny, white toed paw rose to gently cup the mans cheek before the little fae whispered, "Please... don't hide from me." She spent her whole life being groomed and sheltered to an extent. Real interaction and emotion had been kept from her. Gypsy wanted to feel everything that Indigo was feeling. She wanted him to trust her enough to let her see those feelings. She wanted him to feel comfortable coming to her when he felt sad or upset.


**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.