
next new age abraxas 3:15-20



Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
06-27-2021, 10:42 PM

Seclusion treated the young Abraxas well, though he did not notice his tendency to relish his solitude. Now that Hallux accompanied him most of the time, he felt more secure. She was insightful and well rounded, and she didn't mind chatting with him throughout the day. Now that she had the boy supplying her with more regular food, she was less harsh with him. Currently, they were doing some chores that Toxicity had assigned when she noticed her son was lounging about the shrine, insisting her son be of use if he was going to be avoiding the potential socialization he could get among his peers. Some of the bowls that were used regularly around the shrine were in need of a good wash, so he had been sent off to one of the ponds that had developed as the snow melted so that he could clean them up. He had just finished arranging them in their proper spots when his mother summoned the rest of the children to the shrine. Hallux opted to follow behind her charge with her strange, side-to-side hopping gait as he padded into the main antechamber to see what all the fuss was about. His mother was being groomed, her dark pelage shiny and pristine.

"Can Hallux sit with me during the sermon?" he asked his mother softly, glancing around to be sure none of his siblings or cousins had already arrived. He didn't want to display open hesitation around them, for fear they would think him lesser for it. If his mother sent the dark bird away, he wouldn't mind too much. They'd spent the whole day together, after all. The young wraith shook out his coat before he settled down on one of the furs, setting himself up in a corner where he wouldn't need to worry about being crowded while also being more than able to participate in conversation with the other children. Hallux made herself comfortable in the space between his curled thigh and sharp elbow, folding her wings neatly to either side as she sat. Pontifex was trying to be subtle as he watched the doorway, waiting for one of his sisters to join them. While he didn't mind his cousins, he wasn't as comfortable around them. He really ought to make an effort to seek them out, as stronger bonds between family would be critical as he grew up and rose through the ranks. What had been stopping him all this time? He really was lagging behind his peers, and it irked him.



Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.