
How Far I'll Go to Feel Anything

Segin - Summer Seasonal



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-28-2021, 01:36 PM
He had expected her to maybe give him a quick peck, or reluctantly give him a kiss on the cheek, something that he could tease her about or poke fun for the sake of their game. Instead, she seemed to consider the dare for a moment before fixing him with a fiery look in those emerald eyes as she got up and moved toward him with a seductive saunter that took away some of his playful energy and made him look at her with an interested curiosity. He wasn't sure what had caused the sudden shift, but he certainly wasn't going to complain. His silver gaze followed her as she made her way over to him and laid down next to him, Syanna taking him by surprise again as she cupped his face in her paws and pulled him into a deep, heated kiss. His eyes widened with shock at first, but being the sexual creature he was he very quickly melted into the kiss, his eyes closing as he pressed deeper as well, his tongue tasting hers and her lips, giving absolutely no resistance as she held him there, returning her kiss eagerly.

It was a sudden turn in their time together, but one he was all too eager to enjoy. What better way to pass the time while they were trapped together in this grove by the thunder storm that continued to rage around them? His attraction to women was more hit or miss than his attraction to men was, but every once in a while one would come along that really caught his interest. Emersyn had been the most recent, but Syanna was a very close second already. She didn't have the stature or presence that Emersyn did, but she had a feisty personality and clearly had no problem taking what she wanted and that had Segin wanting more and more of her very quickly.

When their lips finally slipped apart, he gasped softly to give his aching lungs air as he blinked open his silver gaze till he could focus on her sultry gaze with a grin pulling at his dark lips. He chuckled at her comment, smirking as she called him a playboy, amusement and desire mixing in equal measure in his gaze and expression. At first he didn't respond, instead shifting so that he could wrap his paws around her sides and pull her closer to him till their chests were pressed together. "If you think I'm going to pick anything other than dare after that..." he whispered back with a chuckle as he brushed his muzzle against hers, giving her another kiss, keeping this one brief before he started letting his kisses trail down her jaw and across her cheek, his paws tracing her sides and back in steady, rhythmic patterns. "Dare whatever you want... I'm yours to play with through this whole storm..."

Segin Epsilon