
stay with me



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-28-2021, 08:16 PM
He felt like a love struck yearling with the easy going almost innocent way they held and teased each other that morning. Indigo grinned through his long saber teeth, letting the feeling wash over him as they smiled together. He felt absolutely giddy in the morning light, holding her against him as they slowly awoke from an incredible night. The pair of them were almost child like as they giggled and teased each other, Indigo with gentle kisses as she averted her muzzle but couldn’t quite bring herself out of reach of him. Her laugh drove him on as the motions shifted from innocent and playful to needy and passionate as he kissed her throat and trailed his fangs along the skin there.

She answered his question but Indigo hadn’t expected to hear the words she said. Maybe he’d get a confirmation but he hadn’t expected to have shared the best night of her life with her. Or maybe he should have, considering the history she told him and everything she had to live with before he found her. She changed almost completely, at least towards him. Before she couldn't trust anyone, she was in flight or fight mode preparing for her death. Indigo showed her life and gave her a new lease on what she could experience during her time here. ”It was marvelous,” his sleep and the night that he had with her. Indigo nibbled along her jaw and Emersyn offered her throat to him.

Indigo took in a deep breath of her, savoring her sweet perfume as he trailed kisses down her neck and Emersyn enjoyed his affections. As he teased at her skin she returned the mischievous actions. Indigo grinned through the kisses he placed down her neck as she ran her paws through his man and shifted her body against him. Em was a testament to their species, well muscled and lean beneath her perfect fur. A shapely feminine form that fit against his own to near perfection. She pressed her hips against his low, one of her dark furred legs wrapped around him suggestively. Indigo traced the curve of her waist and into her hip as he pulled her closer and buried his features against her soft fur. The morning was swiftly turning into a memoire of the evening before.

If her body didn’t speak plainly enough the soft whine that fell from her lips spoke volumes. He teased and coaxed her as readily as she did the same and both stoked that deep burning flame within. She grasped against his mane, pulling herself closer even, there wasn’t an inch of her he wasn’t trying to touch as she gasped and lost her breath for desire. She titled her muzzle against his ear and teased him with her tongue and her words. The way she was positioned against him would have made the answer more than obvious but Indy still grinned at her words and worked his way back to her lips in silent answer. He craved her even after their experience the night before, but really it felt like a continuation, like this was exactly how they were supposed to start their morning after such pleasures together.

”You say that as though I could resist a beautiful woman like you,” He chuckled lightly against her lips as he shifted his hips to further prove his point. A deep groan rumbled from his chest as he wrapped her up in his arms and joined their bodies together again. Indigo’s heart nearly beat out of his chest as fire laced through his veins. Emersyn showed her strength to him and while he was careful with his actions he pushed her much harder than he would have anyone else. Of course Indigo was attentive to her wants and needs but the intensity their bodies achieved was unlike anything he had explored so far.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.