
From Jellybean to Wolf

Grandpa Seer ♡


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-29-2021, 01:06 AM
Although she was well aware that her grandfather's theatrics were merely for dramatic purposes, it still made her ego inflate when he surrendered and called her a princess. Satira adored all of the attention the adults fawned over her with, the sweet little darling lavishing in it whenever she could. But Papa Seer's attention was always the best. He was fun and funny, and he was huge and could carry her around in one paw or on his back like she weighed nothing! Tira loved her grandfather, as was evident from the way she beamed up at him in a fit of girly giggles while she squirmed for freedom from beneath his massive paw.

Once she had broken free, Satira gave a puppy growl and flopped across her grandfather's boat chest, barely large enough to stretch across the width of his barrel, she was so tiny compared to him. She gazed up at Sirius with bright blue eyes shining with love and humor, her needle-like puppy teeth nibbling through his thick fur. "No mercy!" she cried with a wide grin, her minuscule feline claws raking through his fur to barely even reach his skin, no doubt feeling more like a slight tickle than anything. Satira didn't hold back, swiping at Seer's chest with all her might until she'd left herself panting and spent, her little chubby puppy sides heaving with each breath and giggle.

"I missed you, Papa! I like when you come see us!" Tira said, nuzzling her face into her grandfather's fur while batting her sweet, sparkling eyes up at him in hopes of garnering more affection.

"Satira Fatalis"